Project-Alpaca / Alpaca-FW

Teensyduino-based firmware for Alpaca project
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arcade arcade-controller arduino dualshock4 gamepad ps4 teensyduino usb-hid


Teensyduino-based firmware for Alpaca v1 electronics. Runs on Teensy 3.x/LC.



  1. Install PlatformIO

  2. Execute patches/ under patches.

    cd patches && bash ./
  3. Copy patches/patched/framework-arduinoteensy-ds4 to package directory under your PlatformIO settings directory and patches/patched/teensy-ds4 to platforms directory.

    cd patched
    cp -r framework-arduinoteensy-ds4 /path/to/your/pfio/config/dir/packages
    cp -r teensy-ds4 /path/to/your/pfio/config/dir/platforms
  4. Run pio run at the project root directory.

    cd ../../
    pio run
  5. Now you can use pio run -t upload to upload the built firmware to your teensy.



(There are some hints on the wiki and in the code, feel free to check them out)