Project-MTee / file-translation-worker

MIT License
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File Translation Worker

Translates document with external MT translation api and storage for storing metadata and files. Communication is done by RabbitMQ.

|                               |
|                               |   ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ←
|   File translation service    |                                                 ↑
|           [Public]            |   → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → →   ↑
|                               |                                             ↓   ↑
 -------------------------------                                              ↓   ↑
                                                                              ↓   ↑
            ↓                                                                 ↓   ↑
            ↓ sends message about new file translation                        ↓   ↑
            ↓ job (via RabbitMQ)                                              ↓   ↑
            ↓                                                                 ↓   ↑
                                                                              ↓   ↑
 -------------------------------                                              ↓   ↑
|                               |   ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ↓   ↑
|   File translation worker     |                                                 ↑
|                               |   → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → ↑
 -------------------------------            Stores translated results and metadata
                                            about translation
            ↑   ↓
            ↑   ↓
            ↑   ↓   requests translation
            ↑   ↓   from MT systems
            ↑   ↓
            ↑   ↓
|                               |
|       Translation API         |
|                               |

Receiveing message from File translation Service via RabbitMQ:

exchange, queue and binding redirects are created on service startup

Parameter Value
exchange file-translation
exchange type fanout
exchange options durable


Healthcheck probes

Startup probe / Readiness probe:


Liveness probe:



Environment variable configuration

RabbitMQ configuration

RABBITMQ_USER - RabbitMQ username

RABBITMQ_PASS - RabbitMQ password


RABBITMQ_PORT - RabbitMQ port (Default: 5672) [Optional]

Translation service environment variables

FILE_TRANSLATION_SERVICE_URL - File translation service url

FILE_TRANSLATION_SERVICE_USER - inter-service auth username

FILE_TRANSLATION_SERVICE_PASS - inter-service auth password

Local debugging configuraton [OPTIONAL]

All environment variables defined below are for testing purposes only

RUN_MODE - Enable local debugging. Run single file translation and exit.

TASK_ID - (needed only for RUN_MODE=simple) Specify document translation id (Example: 08d96310-7b2d-47e2-8843-34baf47b3599)


Install prerequisites

# install kubectl
choco install kubernetes-cli
# install helm
choco install kubernetes-helm

Install RabbitMQ

helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update

# RabbitMQ
helm install rabbitmq --set auth.username=root,auth.password=root,auth.erlangCookie=secretcookie bitnami/rabbitmq

forward ports:

# RabbitMQ
kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/rabbitmq 15672:15672 5672:5672

Using docker compose

# Build and run service
docker-compose up --build

Lint code

pip install pylint
pylint ./tildemt -f colorized