ProjectAdA / ada-ae

Repository for the source code of the annotation explorer, REST API and triplestore, and all linked data sets that were developed in the AdA project.
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AdA Annotation Explorer (ada-ae)

Welcome to the AdA Annotation Explorer repository! Here you will find all the results of the AdA project that were developed at the Hasso Plattner Institute as part of the Linked Data work packages.

The AdA project (German abbreviation for "Affektrhetoriken des Audiovisuellen" - "Audio-Visual Rhetorics of Affect") was a cooperation of the film studies department of the Freie Universtät Berlin and the Semantic Technologies Group of the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering (HPI) in Potsdam. The aim of this interdisciplinary research group was to support empirical film studies through tool-based semantic video annotation and automated video analytics.

In particular, the repository contains:

AdA Filmontology

The folder filmontology contains the AdA Filmontology, a systematic vocabulary and data model of film-analytical terms and concepts for fine-grained semantic video annotations.

Advene Template

The folder advene_template contains an AZP template package for the Advene Annotation Software, with which audiovisual content can be annotated according to AdA Filmontology.

Corpus Metadata

The folder corpus_metadata contains the metadata of the video corpus on the topic of "financial crisis", which was created and used during the project.


The folder annotations contains all manual annotations (approx. 125,000) created by the film scholars at FU Berlin and all automatically generated annotations (approx. 440,000) created by extractors developed within the project.

Software Components

The folder ada-ae contains the software stack of the Annotation Explorer front end and back end for running the web-based application for querying, analyzing and visualizing semantic video annotations.


This repository is maintained by Henning Agt-Rickauer. If you have any technical questions, feel free to contact me.


The work published in this repository was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under grant number 01UG1632B.