ProjectKig / KigPaper

Paper 1.8.8 fork with critical performance tweaks, bug fixes and gameplay improvements.
36 stars 11 forks source link

KigPaper CI Status

KigPaper is a fork of 1.8.8 Paper focused on improving stability, fixing bugs, and increasing security.


KigPaper aims to be a stable, yet performant, server software. It fixes many vanilla and CraftBukkit inconsistencies, though any patches that alter vanilla gameplay are made configurable.

No guarantees are made regarding plugin compatibility. For the best experience, consider modeling your server stack around KigPaper.

KigPaper is currently being used in a production environment on KIG Network.


After cloning the project, run


to generate the server JAR.
Once it's done, you'll have a Paperclip.jar file in the project directory.

Running benchmarks

To run benchmarks, first build the server normally, then run these commands:

# Run these two commands sequentially, not together
mvn compile -P benchmarks
mvn package -P benchmarks

java -jar Benchmarks/target/paper-benchmarks.jar


We do not own the original Minecraft server code, and we're not affiliated with Microsoft or Mojang.
All patches (including the ones from the original Spigot and Paper) are licensed under the GPLv3.

Special Thanks

This project includes some patches from: