ProjectsAndPrograms / crud-laravel-10

A simple crud application with all the basic features you have to know.
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blade-template bootstrap-5 crud error-pages laravel laravel-10 laravel-bootstrap laravel-crud laravel-framework mysql mysql-database


A simple crud application with all the basic features you have to know.


  1. Image Uplaod
  2. Password encoder
  3. Pagination links
  4. Flash messages
  5. Error pages to handle error code such as 404, 500 etc.

Technolgies Used

  1. PHP (8.2)
  2. Laravel-10
  3. Blade templating engine
  4. MySQL database
  5. Bootstrap 5
  6. Developed in Visual studio code



screenshots screenshots
screenshots screenshots


Step-1: Install Composer
Step-2: Install PHP and MySQL OR simply xampp
Step-3: create database schema for curd-application - to do that simply locate the directory using terminal and run the given command

    php artisan migrate

this will create the database schema for you.
[Note- if you have custom username or password for the database ? you need to update the project configurations. you can edit them in .env file (this file is located in project folder and not visible - to update this you need to open the folder with any advance text editor like visual studio code)]

Step-4: after creating schema you are ready to serve this application - on the project folder open terminal and run following command

    php artisan serve

After running this command application start running you can see the application by visiting this url -


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.