ProjetPP / Papers

Administrative documents and potential papers
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Administrative papers

The documents requested by the ENS.

Project proposal

A detailed description of our project. What do we want to do? How? Why?

Literature Review (Beamer presentation)

A review of existing literature about question answering.

Idée de base pour ML (Beamer presentation)

Basic ideas about machine learning question parsing (in french).


A first choice of relevant algorithms to implement.

Midterm report

Report for the midterm of the semester, due to the 04/11/2014.

It describes our achievements, and what there remains to do.

Final report

Report at the end of the project, due to the 19/12/2014.

General presentation of the project and what has been done.

Final demo (Beamer presentation)

Oral presentation of the project, due to the 18/12/2014.

Pro-tips of the day: