Prophidys / RTG2

Realtime Traffic Grapher 2
GNU General Public License v2.0
11 stars 9 forks source link

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  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Quick start
  4. Compiling
  5. Configuration
  6. Monitoring Gauges
  7. Graphs and HTML Generation
  8. Generating Reports
  9. Maintenance
  10. Troubleshooting
  11. OS-Specific Configuration
  12. Security
  13. Installing the MySQL Perl DBI
  14. Future
  15. Acknowledgments
  1. Introduction

RTG is a flexible, scalable, high-performance SNMP statistics monitoring system. It is designed for enterprises and service providers that need to collect time-series SNMP data for a large number of objects from a large number of network elements quickly. All collected data is inserted into a MySQL database allowing sophisticated analysis and reporting. The package includes utilities that generate RTG configuration files, HTML, sample reports and graphical data plots. RTG is freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

The primary advantages of RTG are:

If these features are not important to you, RTG is likely the wrong tool for the job. Alternatives we highly recommend are MRTG, RRDtool and Cricket. Please see the FAQ.

  1. Prerequisites

RTG comes as C source code and is intended to run on UNIX systems. RTG2 requires a UNIX system with POSIX thread support, 64-bit long integers and a sane compiler (gcc works great). RTG requires some external packages:

To use the built in reports and configuration generators and to generally get the most out of RTG, it is strongly recommended that you also install:

  1. Quick start

RTG is complex to setup, so please read all of the documentation.

- Build RTG and install into default location /usr/local/rtg2:

$ git clone
$ cd RTG2/
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install

- Make certain the MySQL database is installed and running.

- Configure the database. You must know the MySQL root password: The createdb script will setup the database for RTG:

$ /usr/local/rtg2/etc/createdb mysqlroot

- Edit the /usr/local/rtg2/etc/routers file, adding each router you wish

to SNMP poll, one per line. To specify a per-router non-default community string, add "router:community" in the routers file. To specify a per-router non-default response bit width, add "router:community:bits" in the routers file.

- Run the /usr/local/rtg2/etc/ script to manage the RTG target file. The first run will create a targets.cfg file.

- Start up the poller to use the target list

$ /usr/local/rtg2/bin/rtgpoll -v -t targets.cfg

If the poller does not find a configuration file, it will create one in the current directory called "rtg.conf". You want to modify this file to suit your installation. If the poller is successful, the "Polls" counter in the statistics banner will increase and then a countdown to the next poll is displayed. The DBInserts should increment after the second polling round.

- RTG is running. Manipulate or mine the data in the database as

needed, or read the remaining sections for graphing and reporting instructions.

  1. Compiling

Please also see the OS-Specific configuration section of this document for details on building RTG2 on specific platforms.

RTG uses GNU autoconf to determine your build type. Compiling should be a simple matter of:

make install

See "./configure --help" for a complete list of build options.

RTG requires the Net SNMP and thread-safe MySQL libraries; compilation will fail if configure cannot find these libraries.

Newer MySQL binary distributions include the thread-safe libraries by default. If you compile your own MySQL, be certain to include the "--enable-thread-safe-client" option when configuring. If you are uncertain, check to see if you have a "libmysqlclient_r*" library installed on your system; this is the reentrant, thread-safe library.

The MySQL database may reside on a different machine than RTG, however RTG still needs the MySQL libraries. If your MySQL libraries are not in a standard location, use the --with-mysql=/mysqlpath argument with configure. If your SNMP libraries are not in a standard location, use the --with-snmp=/snmppath argument with configure.

RTG has successfully built on: Solaris 2.x, Linux 2.x, and FreeBSD 4.x Please let us know if you build RTG on other platforms and what modifications were required. If you experience trouble compiling RTG, see the Troubleshooting section of this document.

  1. Configuration

rtgpoll takes a number of options, rtgpoll -h displays the options. rtgpoll uses two ASCII files to direct its actions: a configuration file and a target file. The configuration file specifies general RTG configuration parameters while the target file lists the devices that RTG will SNMP poll. The default name of the configuration file is rtg.conf.

A single rtg.conf file can control all programs (including rtgpoll, rtgplot, .php and .pl). Each program attempts to find an rtg.conf in the following path order:

  1. ./rtg.conf
  2. /usr/local/rtg2/etc/rtg.conf
  3. /etc/rtg.conf

If rtgpoll or rtgplot cannot find an rtg.conf file in any of these paths, it will attempt to create one in the current working directory. Most users maintain a master rtg.conf file customized for their environment. rtg.conf contains the following configurable fields:

Interval         300
HighSkewSlop     3
LowSkewSlop      .5
OutOfRange       93750000000
SNMP_Ver         1
SNMP_Port       161
DB_Host          localhost
DB_Database      rtg
DB_User          snmp
DB_Pass          rtgdefault
Threads          5

Interval is the time between successive polls of the target list, default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

HighSkewSlop defines the maximum number of Intervals allowed between two consecutive poll values before the time in seconds between said points is deemed too large to calculate a valid rate. With the default Interval and HighSkewSlop values, that time would be 300 * 3 (15 minutes).

LowSkewSlop defines the minimum number of Intervals alloweed between two consecutive poll values before the time in seconds between said points is deemed two low to calculate a valid rate. With the default Interval and LowSkewSlop values, that time would be 300 * 0.5 (2.5 minutes).

OutOfRange defines an upper bound above which rtgpoll will never attempt an insert into the database. OutOfRange should be a multiple of the maximum number of bytes possible in the defined Interval for your highest speed link. The default OutOfRange value will suffice in most installations. OutOfRange may be specified on a per OID basis in the 'targets.cfg' file. OOR values are inserted after the interface ID and before the description. The default value entered by is basically the interface's ifSpeed value multiplied by the Interval specified in rtg.conf. Legal values for OOR are 30 or less numeric characters. As of RTG-0.8, the OutOfRange value should be defined on a per target basis.

SNMP_Ver specifies the SNMP version the poller will use. As of RTG-0.8, the SNMP_Ver should be specified on a per host basis.

The number of threads rtgpoll will use is defined in the variable Threads.

Variables in rtg.conf must match the names above exactly. Comments and blank lines are allowed and the ordering of variables in rtg.conf does not matter.

The target file specifies the objects to be SNMP polled. Comments must be preceded with a '#' sign. Elements in the target file are tab delimited. The format of the target file is fixed for two possible configurations:

PRE RTG-0.8 Format:

# Host  OID  64/32  Community  Table   ID   Description


Host        = IP or hostname of target
OID         = Full SNMP OID, e.g. .
64/32/0     = Specify 64/32 bit objects or 0 for gauge objects
Community   = SNMP Community
Table       = MySQL table in the database to use
ID          = A unique ID that is used with each insert
OOR         = The maximum delta of an object's counter within one interval.
Description = Free text

RTG-0.8 and beyond (PRE RTG-0.8 Format Is Still Supported):

host [hostname] {
    community [communityString];
    snmpver [1|2];
    target [OID] {
        bits [64|32|0];
        table [tableName];
        id [idnum];
        speed [OORValue];
        descr "[description]";.
    target [OID] {

rtgpoll first reads the configuration file, then the target file. For each SNMP poll, rtgpoll will attempt an SQL INSERT of the form:

INSERT INTO Table VALUES (ID, NOW(), bigint)

Where Table is the name of the database table and ID is an integer. Both Table and ID come from the target list, NOW() is the current timestamp and bigint is the delta value between successive SNMP polls.

RTG makes no attempt at determining rate; one must look at the time difference successive entries in the database. The RTG graphing and reporting tools automatically calculate rate.

  1. Monitoring Gauges

RTG can monitor OIDs that return a gauge value allowing one to monitor items such as temperature, CPU, users, etc. If an entry in the target file has 0 (zero) specified as the OID bit width instead of 64 or 32, the poller assumes that it is monitoring a gauge and does not attempt to calculate an interval delta value. Currently there are no automated scripts to generate a gauge target file, but should be trival for users to implement for their environment. Consequently, routers in the 'routers' file should not have '0' bit width specified unless said trivial changes are implemented.

  1. Graphs and HTML Generation

RTG includes PHP pages to serve interactive graphical traffic plots via the web. Using PHP demonstrates RTG best; we strongly recommend using this method. Note that we assume an Apache (http:/ web server with PHP and MySQL support running on a UNIX system.

To configure an apache web server to serve graphical RTG plots via PHP:

The rtgplot executable generates traffic graphs in PNG format. You do not have to use PHP or our included PHP web pages. One can easily construct custom web pages by using the proper HTML tags to embed an RTG plot anywhere. An RTG image can be placed in any web page by using an < IMG > tag with the appropriate values. For example:

<IMG SRC="rtgplot.cgi?t1=ifInOctets_2&t2=ifOutOctets_2&iid=49&begin=1028606400&end=1028692799&units=bits/s&factor=8&scalex=yes">

will plot two lines from the MySQL tables ifInOctets_2 and ifOutOctets_2 corresponding to interface 49 on router 2 for the time span 1028606400 to 1028692799 (UNIX epoch seconds). The factor argument allows for bits per second; the units argument is displayed as the Y-axis label on the plot. The scalex argument auto-adjusts the X time axis according to the available data samples rather than according to the actual time span given. If you are plotting non-continuous data, such as error plots, use the impulses=yes argument.

  1. Generating Reports

RTG includes two Perl scripts in $prefix/bin that generate per-customer traffic reports. These Perl scripts use the Perl-MySQL DBI (see the prerequisites section for details). The first script is


./ <customer> -[##d][##h][##m][##s]


./ <customer> <mm/dd/yyyy[+hh:mm[:ss]]> <mm/dd/yyyy[+hh:mm[:ss]]>

Give report a customer name or partial customer name as it appears on the interface description of the network device and report will generate a traffic report for all matching customers in the network. For example:

Blah Industries Traffic Period: [08/05/2002 00:00 to 08/05/2002 23:59]

In Out Avg In Avg Out Util Util Max In Max Out Max Ut Max Ut
Connection MBytes MBytes Mbps Mbps In % Out% Mbps Mbps In % Out%
at-1/2/0.104 18 20 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
at-1/2/0.109 411 586 0.11 0.16 0.07 0.10 0.43 0.50 0.28

The second script is


./ <customer> -[##d][##h][##m][##s]


./ <customer> <mm/dd/yyyy[+hh:mm[:ss]]> <mm/dd/yyyy[+hh:mm[:ss]]>

The script generates 95th percentile traffic rates for a particular customer for the previous day. For example:

Blah Industries Traffic Period: [08/05/2002 00:00 to 08/05/2002 23:59]

RateIn RateOut MaxIn MaxOut 95% In 95% Out
Connection Mbps Mbps Mbps Mbps Mbps Mbps
at-1/2/0.104 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
at-1/2/0.109 0.11 0.16 0.43 0.50 0.33 0.10

It is convenient to supply these Perl scripts the proper arguments in a cron job in order to take automated actions (email, bill, report, etc) each night or week.

A sufficiently capable Perl hacker should be able to modify these example scripts to suit the particular needs of any organization. We appreciate any contributed Perl reporting scripts (or clean up our messy Perl).

  1. Maintenance

Most installations run the script regularly via a cron job. rtgtargmkr will add new routers and interfaces as they appear in the network (defined by the routers file). The script will also detect interface name changes and suggest the proper SQL command to update the interface description in the database (this is done as a safety mechanism to have a human involved in the updating process).

rtgpoll accepts a number of signals. SIGHUP forces a reload of the target file. If rtgpoll is actively polling, the target file is reloaded when rtgpoll becomes idle. This is useful when automating the target list creation based on your active network. SIGUSR1 increases the verbosity of a running rtgpoll; SIGUSR2 decreases the verbosity.

A typical installation will run the rtgtargmkr script nightly and then send rtgpoll a -HUP signal to force the poller to re-read the target list.

  1. Troubleshooting

If you are experiencing problems with RTG, please first consult the FAQ. You may find the RTG mailing list archives helpful. Questions not answered by these two means should be sent to the mailing list ( When submitting questions to the mailing list, please be sure to include the RTG version, your machine architecture, and target file size.

RTG is compiled with lots of debug information. Pass multiple '-v' flags on the rtgpoll argument line to increase the verbosity. Often this will help you (or the developers) solve the problem.

  1. OS-Specific Configuration



Linux users using DEBs or RPMs of packages need to install both the util and devel DEBs or RPMs of each package. From example:

Net-SNMP: net-snmp-*, net-snmp-devel-*, net-snmp-utils-* 
MySQL:    MySQL-client-*, MySQL-shared-*, MySQL-devel-*, MySQL-*
  1. Security

RTG uses MySQL with a default password of "rtgdefault" solely to ease installation. The password should be changed as soon as RTG is installed and operational. In addition, the MySQL server port should be open only to trusted hosts and networks. The default RTG installation can leave your statistics data vulnerable! Please refer to the MySQL website for details on securing your database.

  1. Installing the MySQL Perl DBI

The Perl reports and Perl configuration generators use the Perl DBI to interface with the MySQL database.

  1. Future

RTG is intended to be a foundation upon which to build. Modules, features and pull requests are always welcome and appreciated. To contribute, see the "TODO" file.

  1. Acknowledgments

RTG was inspired by the likes of MRTG, RRDtool (Tobias Oetiker, Dave Rand) and Cricket (Jeff Allen). RTG uses (and useless without) the excellent work of many others, including: MySQL, UCD/Net-SNMP, gd, png, cgilib and SNMP_Session. Thanks to SourceForge ( for providing an excellent service to the developer community. Finally, thanks to all those who have tested and provided patches or suggestions to RTG!