Protuhj / myvideobuzz

MIT License
58 stars 9 forks source link

After years of development, I have stopped supporting the Roku platform. I will be setting this repository to archived, as I do not plan on reviving it.

Feel free to fork!

MyVideoBuzz -- Protuhj's Fork (Archived)

This project is a fork of Roku YouTube by jesstech. Updates include API fixes, additional features, and the removal of OAuth settings.

Note: as of 7 May 2015, versions up to and including 1.7.4 will not work well, if at all, with YouTube.


You must first enable development mode on the Roku. From Roku's top-level menu (launch screen), enter the following sequence on your remote control:

Note: This sequence cannot be entered from a mobile app (iOS, Android, etc.). A physical Roku remote is required!

Home 3x, Up 2x, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right

On newer versions of the Roku firmware, you will then be prompted to set a web server password. Choose a password (and remember it), then reboot the Roku.

When development mode is enabled on your Roku, you can install dev packages from the Application Installer which runs on your device at the device's IP address. Open any standard web browser and visit the following URL:

http://<your.roku.ip.address>  # for example,, or whatever address belongs to your Roku

Download the source zip file and upload it to your Roku device.

Caution: Do not unzip this file! Additionally, you must upload the entire file to your Roku.

Due to limitations in the sandboxing of development Roku channels, you can have only one development channel installed at a time.

Alternative Installation Method: Windows users

Download the whole repository → Current Release: 2.3.0. Then, unzip the archive, edit the included \deploy\rokus.txt file, and add your Roku device(s) network and authentication information to it, as illustrated in the example below:

# <roku.ip.address><white space>rokudev:<rokuPassword> rokudev:rokupassword

This will upload the file to the Roku(s) you provide in the rokus.txt file.

You can copy the .\deploy\ folder somewhere on your hard drive, and modify the deploy.bat file to change the location of the zip file. Do so by changing the ZIP_LOCATION variable to point to the location of the zip you would like to deploy.

By doing this, you won't have to edit the rokus.txt file in the future when updating your Roku(s).

Updating the Channel

As of version 1.7.2, VideoBuzz supports auto-updating. This means that once installed, you can update VideoBuzz from within the channel itself.

This can happen in one of three ways:

  1. A new release is deployed.
  2. The current master (development) build has a newer version (major, minor, build number) than the currently installed version.
  3. A channel force update (to the current latest release) is made.
    • The only requirement needed to use this feature is that you enter your Roku password. Recall that you set a password while enabling development mode. (The username will always remain "rokudev".)
    • This can be accomplished by navigating to Settings from the channel's main page, accessing the item entitled General, choosing Roku Development Password, and finally entering your Roku's password.
    • Once you've entered your password, go back to the main Settings page, and go to About -- you can then use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to choose which update option you'd like.

Note: if a channel update is successful, there is no notification as such, it will just restart itself, similar to when you normally re-upload the channel's zip file.


This channel uses publicly available information from your YouTube account. To permit full channel functionality, you will need to ensure that your account Subscriptions, Playlists, and Favorites are publicly accessible.


Your Roku's debug console can be accessed by Telnet at port 8085:

telnet <your.roku.ip.address> 8085


Want to contribute? Great! Visit the VideoBuzz subreddit. You can also check out my Facebook page.