ProximaNova / Booru-mass-editor

Quickly edit images at websites running Gelbooru Beta 0.1.11 (such as
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Booru mass editor

Use the Booru mass editor (BME) to quickly edit individual images at websites running Gelbooru software. BME also imporves the interface at index.php?page=post&s=view&id=# and elsewhere.

Required additional software

To use BME you must have the following software:

Required or highly recommended additional software

Add these types of add-ons to your web broswer:

How to use this software


BME will work on websites that run the following software:

Editing upgrades

Add these tags at the ID page or at Account > Options > My Tags (no one or more of the same tag(s) should be in "My Tags", use , for commas in "My Tags", and don't add too much text because the data cookie can only hold two paragraphs max):

Post list improvements

Future updates

For newer versions of Gelbooru:

Trends and information

The newer the software the more tags a booru has:

See also

Seedmanc's userscripts: