PrzemyslawSagalo / nvim

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Architectural drivers

DAP Python

import pandas as pd; pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 999999); pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 999999); pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", 999999)

NVIM shortcuts


Key Action
"+y copy to OS clipboard
sort i sort lines in a case-insensitive manner
:norm A[sign to put] put a sign at the end of a line

Basic word navigation




Key Action
:LspInfo status of the lsp server


Key Action Description
<CR> edit open a file or folder; root will cd to the above directory
<C-v> vsplit open the file in a vertical split
<C-x> split open the file in a horizontal split
<C-t> tabnew open the file in a new tab
< prev_sibling navigate to the previous sibling of current file/directory
> next_sibling navigate to the next sibling of current file/directory
P parent_node move cursor to the parent directory
<BS> close_node close current opened directory or parent
<Tab> preview open the file as a preview (keeps the cursor in the tree)
R refresh refresh the tree
a create add a file; leaving a trailing / will add a directory
d remove delete a file (will prompt for confirmation)
D trash trash a file via trash option
r rename rename a file
<C-r> full_rename rename a file and omit the filename on input
e rename_basename rename a file with filename-modifiers ':t:r' without changing extension
x cut add/remove file/directory to cut clipboard
c copy add/remove file/directory to copy clipboard
p paste paste from clipboard; cut clipboard has precedence over copy; will prompt for confirmation
y copy_name copy name to system clipboard
Y copy_path copy relative path to system clipboard
gy copy_absolute_path copy absolute path to system clipboard
s system_open open a file with default system application or a folder with default file manager, using system_open option

Tabs and Buffers

Key Action
gt next tab
gT previous tab
<S-l> next buffer
<S-h> previous buffer
:bwipeout or :bw delete and remove a buffer from a list


Key Action
ys<motion><delimiter> you surround/add
cs<old delimiter><new delimiter> change surrounding
ds<delimiter> delete surrounding




:Telescope keymaps