This is a list of THE BEST FOSS apps
according to us. You can prove us wrong on the contributing page.
App Name :heart: = Someone's Personal Favourite
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button to go to the top.
AWESOME apps counter: 262 🎉
Identify bird sounds in real time
Text-to-Image Discovery
(Root required)
(Google Play's version differs from F-Droid's one, and it violates the rules.)
(Aliucord doesn't make Discord open source, it is still proprietary software but with FOSS patches and modifications without Discord Tracking)
Aliases management
A privacy-conscious Android keyboard made for your thumbs
Periodic Table
Currently being reworked as Neo Launcher.
A native android app for Lemmy
free application that will allow you to keep track of the care of your plants while respecting your freedom and privacy.
A smallish RSS reader
The most beautiful SMS messenger for Android - Revived
Pomodoro Timer
Coffee Timer
Tea Timer
Multi-purpose Tracker
Birthday Tracker
Savings Tracker
Habit Tracker
Habit Tracker
Habit Tracker
Books Tracker
TV Shows Tracker
Activity Tracker
Addiction Tracker
Days Off Tracker
Menstrual Cycle Tracker
Sleep Tracker
Movement Tracker
Screen Timer tracker
A media player based on the popular commandline media player mpv.