Public-Health-Scotland / SBSS

Reproducible Analytical Pipeline of the Scottish Bowel Screening Programme Statistics (SBSS) publication
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Scottish Bowel Screening Programme Statistics

This repository contains the Reproducible Analytical Pipeline (RAP) of the bi-annual Scottish Bowel Screening Programme Statistics publication.


Folder Structure

A new folder should be created in CancerGroup1 for each iteration of this publication. Inside that folder should be a sub-folder named TPP or similar. This folder should contain:

The Master folder

The Master folder is the master copy of the publication repository. This is the production-ready version that is used for the publication process each time the publication is run. Once cloned, two folders should be created inside the Master folder; one named Output and one named Temp. Aside from creating those folders, the master copy should never be edited and should only be updated from approved changes pulled from GitHub.

The individual analyst folders

These folders also contain up-to-date copies of the repository and these are the versions to which edits are made. Analysts should only work in their own folders on their own development branches. Once cloned, the Output and Temp sub-folders should be created as they were in the Master folder. Once an analyst is content that their changes are ready for the master branch, they must create a pull request on GitHub and have the other analyst(s) from the team review their changes and, if satisfied, merge them back into the master branch. It is then that the master folder is updated.

The repository

Files and Folders

A number of files and folders will be created or need to be created every time this repository is cloned. They are explained below.



Running the publication

Updating the code

To update the publication each quarter, the analyst responsible for updating the scripts/running the publication should complete the following steps:

Running the code

Once this is done, the raw data files and Excel tables for the publication have been produced. The final step is knitting the RMarkdown documents: