PublicDataWorks / complaint-manager

Apache License 2.0
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MVP for Complaint Manager v2.0 #497

Open rnair-tw opened 4 months ago

rnair-tw commented 4 months ago


We want to create a simple Complaint Manager with basic functionality to allow organizations to handle and process complaints efficiently. We do not plan to have all the features in out existing Complaint Manager v1.0 at the moment. While we build it, we should think about scalability, configurability and customization, as well as how to use AI to augment our features.

This MVP will serve as the foundation for further development and refinement, focusing on only the essential functionalities necessary for managing complaints (as outlined below). Post-MVP, we will address address additional requirements and expand its functionality based on user feedback and organizational needs.

Our goals are:

Key Features

Tl,dr: A user should be able to log in, see all cases, create a new case, save the case and log out.

In Scope

  1. User Authorization and Authentication:

    • Users can authenticate securely to access the system.
    • Basic user roles such as admin and basic user are defined.
  2. Dashboard:

    • Users can see an "all cases" view that lists out all the complaints.
    • Users can click on an individual complaints and edit the details.
    • Users can search based on any data fields shown in their view.
  3. Complaint Submission:

    • Users can submit complaints through a user-friendly interface with basic information such as:
      • Complaint Title: A brief summary describing the nature or subject of the complaint.
      • Complaint Description: A detailed explanation of the complaint, including relevant information such as dates, events, and any other pertinent details.
      • Date Created: The date and time when the complaint was registered in the system.
      • Status: The current status of the complaint (e.g., Open, In Progress, Resolved).
      • Reporter/Submitter Information: Details about the person submitting the complaint, including name, contact information, and any relevant identifiers.
      • Evidence upload: Any attachments related to the case (pdf)
      • Users receive confirmation notifications upon successful submission.
  4. Settings:

    • Admins can configure the following
      • Organization logo to show on the top left of the screen

Out of Scope

Non functional requirements




Acceptance Criteria



rnair-tw commented 3 months ago

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