PublicDataWorks / complaint-manager

Apache License 2.0
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Complaint Manager

The Complaint Manager is an open source tool meant to aid civilian police oversight agencies in generating complaint data. PDM is designed to be fully integrated into the workflows of these oversight agencies, enabling cities to enhance the capacity of citizens to hold public institutions accountable. Read more here.

This README is aimed at getting new users set up to run Complaint Manager on their local machines. You will need the appropriate permissions for the app and its tests to run successfully.

If you are a city looking to adopt Complaint Manager as a tool for Complaint Intake, you can check out the guide to set up a new city instance.

If you are looking to contribute to this repo, take a look at our contributor guidelines.

[!CAUTION] This is a public repository, so please do not include PII (personally identifiable information) for real people in commits to the repository.

Table of Contents

Local Development

Local Development - Setup

Go to topTasksTestingTroubleshooting

[!NOTE] The default developer platform for our team is MacOS. On other platforms (Linux, Windows) the code should compile and run, but this isn't something that's been tested.

Install Heroku CLI (optional)

If you plan to perform administrative tasks on Heroku deployments, manually or by local script, you will need to install the Heroku CLI.


Docker installation

For Mac, you can download Docker here.

Set Docker hosts for Postgres and Redis

[!NOTE] This is only required if you are running tests outside of the containers OR if you want to run database migrations.

Docker preferences

Install local certificates

We use a tool called mkcert to manage self-signed certificates for the local environment.

[!IMPORTANT] The .key should be at the top and the .crt on the bottom.

[!TIP] The directory path will look something like /Users/<username>/Library/Application\ Support/mkcert

[!TIP] Make sure you have the export keyword in front of CERT_DIR and REACT_APP_INSTANCE_FILES_DIR in your zshrc.


If you run into issues like

ERROR: failed to read the CA key: open /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/mkcert/rootCA-key.pem: permission denied

You can solve this using:

sudo chown <username> /Users/<username>/Library/Application\ Support/mkcert/rootCA-key.pem

Set up local environment to point to AWS cloud

You only need this if you want to bypass LocalStack and test things using real AWS services like S3 and SecretsManager.

Install local dependencies

To install dependencies on your machine (as opposed to in the Docker container), run:

yarn install

Local Development - Tasks

Go to topSetupTestingTroubleshooting

Log in to Docker

Log in to Docker using credentials provided by the Core Team with the following command: test

docker login

Building the app

Run the following command:


Running the app locally in watch mode

Run the following command:

docker compose up app

Wait for both the back and front end to initialize.

Application is listening on port 1234
Please visit http://localhost:1234
Compiled with warnings.

Navigate to https://localhost to view the app.

Stop and remove all running containers

Run the following command:

docker compose down

What actually happens when you're running locally?

It's all well and good to run these commands and watch Docker spin up with a lot of command line outputs, but what's actually happening?

./scripts/ builds the Docker containers worker, app-e2e, and app so that they can then be spun up to run locally. The diagram below shows the steps and indicates where those steps are configured:

docker-compose-build diagram

PlantUML link

docker-compose up app

docker-compose up app runs the app container (which includes the client and server and pulls in the database, worker, and elasticsearch) so that you can use it locally. The diagram below shows the steps it takes and indicates where those steps are configured:

docker-compose up app diagram

PlantUML link

Instance files

By default, local builds will pull publicdataworks/instance-files-noipm:latest.

To create a new versioned instance-files-noipm image (e.g. publicdataworks/instance-files-noipm:1.0.0), execute the following commands from your private instance files repository (instance_files_noipm):

docker build -t publicdataworks/instance-files-noipm:your-tag .
docker push publicdataworks/instance-files-noipm:your-tag

Switching between organizations

In ~/.zshrc:

Change the line beginning with export REACT_APP_INSTANCE_FILES_DIR= to point to the instance files directory of the organization you want to point to.

In docker-compose.yml:

Change the line beginning with ORG= to the organization you want to point to (e.g. HAWAII or NOIPM).

Local Development - Testing

Go to topSetupTasksTroubleshooting

[!IMPORTANT] The following must be performed before pushing any code.

Running security checks

Run the following command:

docker compose run --rm security-checks

Running tests

Running client side tests in watch mode

To run all tests in src/client in parallel, run the following command:

yarn test:client

[!NOTE] Like other tests, client tests can be run in Docker. However, since they don't require the test database, they can be run outside of Docker, which is faster.

Running server side tests in watch mode

Set up a test database and run all tests in src/server sequentially with the following command:

docker-compose run --rm app yarn test:server

Running worker tests in watch mode

Set up a test DB and run all tests in src/worker sequentially with the following command:

docker-compose run --rm app yarn test:worker

Hints for unit tests

Tips for when you want to run a specific test suite in the terminal for either client, server, or worker tests:

Running Pact tests locally

[!IMPORTANT] Client Pact tests must come before server Pact tests.

Run client Pact tests with the following command:

yarn test:pact:client

Run server Pact tests with the following command:

docker compose run --rm app yarn test:pact:server

[!TIP] See more information on Pact here.

Local Development - Troubleshooting

Go to topSetupTasksTesting

Known warnings in the app

Known warnings in tests


Set Up Prettier

This project has a prettierrc.js file that dictates formatting. To set this up to work automatically in VSCode first add the prettier extension, then go to Code > Preferences > Settings and turn on the setting "Format on Save" (you can do Format on Paste too if you want) and set the "Default Formatter" to prettier.

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