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Replace district with housing unit field #547

Open rnair-tw opened 3 months ago

rnair-tw commented 3 months ago

User Story

As a user in Hawaii I want to see a new dropdown for housing unit So that I can choose and display the relevant housing unit in the facility

Business Context:

In #546 we replaced the address field with facility to make this more useful for Hawaii. In addition to "Facility" they also want to see a "Housing Unit" field. Since Hawaii does not need "District", we want to replace with it with the "Housing Unit" field.

Mapping here: 042624Facility-Housing Units Mapping__CC.xlsx

In Scope

  1. Replace "District" with "Housing Unit" field in both Incident Details and Edit Incident Details
  2. The dropdown for "House Unit" should be mapped to "Facility" (provided by user)
  3. If nothing is selected, this should be "N/A"
  4. Make a seeder for this

Out of Scope

Open Questions


Image Image

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Scenario: Given I am editing in a case in Hawaii mode When I select a Facility Then I should be able to select from a list of corresponding Housing Units And when I select it, I should be able to see the Housing Unit in the Incident Details

  2. Scenario: Given When Then





heliofreitastw commented 1 month ago

once a facility is chosen then the housing unit dropdown is displayed.

thoughtworks-vwong commented 2 weeks ago

Verified when I am editing in a case in Hawaii mode and when I select a Facility, I am able to select from a list of corresponding Housing Units. Housing Units field is also updated accordingly in incident details page.

Note #1: Sometimes when switching between facilities, the dropdown will show the previous facility's and it takes a bit before it’s updated to the currently selected facility

Note #2: Sometimes it takes a while to save the housing unit