PublicDataWorks / complaint-manager

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Create new field for Priority Incident #568

Open rnair-tw opened 3 months ago

rnair-tw commented 3 months ago

User Story

As a user of the system I want to have an easy way to indicate if something is a priority incident So that I can easily indicate the subsequent priority level and reason

Business Context:

Currently our implementation for Priority Incident is to have the corresponding fields pop up when the user selects it in the Intake Source field: Image

This isn't the most intuitive implementation, so we want to change this to something that makes more sense. Essentially we want there to be a Priority Incident flag, where the corresponding fields pop up if this is selected.

In Scope

  1. Remove Priority Incident label from the Intake Source dropdown
  2. Add Priority Incident field (see mockups)
  3. Remove Priority Incident Intake source in both NO and HI

Out of Scope

Open Questions


Default state Image

Selected priority incident state Image





Acceptance Criteria

  1. Scenario: Given that I am creating a new case When I select option 'Yes' under Priority Incident Then input fields Priority Level and Priority Reason will pop up under Priority Incident

  2. Scenario: Given that I am creating a new case When I select option 'No' under Priority Incident Then the additional input fields will not pop up





rnair-tw commented 3 months ago

Verify w/ Christin

christina-luong commented 1 month ago

Hi @rowsnr, please remove any mention of "Incident Location" and replace with "Facility" from these mockups. Also, where would "Housing Unit" fit into the ordering of the Incident Details page?

thoughtworks-vwong commented 3 weeks ago


Priority Incident Field is removed in NOIPM




When I am creating a new case and I select option 'Yes' under Priority Incident, then input fields Priority Level and Priority Reason will pop up under Priority Incident

When I am creating a new case and I select option 'No' under Priority Incident, then the additional input fields will not pop up