We want to come up with very specific type of required Ac's of Spike Card for Complaint-Manager 2.0
When developer picks up a Spike Card they have good understanding of the context and requirements so they work on card within scope of the card for timely manner.
Business Context: Short context about what we are trying to look into (Tech stack, Library, Extension, etc)
Definition of Done:
Timebox: Amont of days
Ac's: Do research/play around and answer:
[] Is there possible tech solution library ? Name and link to documentation
[] What are the advantages and disadvantages ?
[] Is the value add is worth it?
[] How difficult is implementation ?
[] Record your findings in form of documentation(markdown or ADR)
[] Present/Deskcheck your findings.
[] If approved write down the steps in a new Story Card
We want to come up with very specific type of required Ac's of Spike Card for
Complaint-Manager 2.0
When developer picks up a Spike Card they have good understanding of the context and requirements so they work on card within scope of the card for timely manner.