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Display all both open and closed cases in Data Dashboard #599

Closed christina-luong closed 1 month ago

christina-luong commented 2 months ago

User Story

As a user in New Orleans I want to be able to see both open and closed cases in the Data Dashboard So that I can report on this data to my management and other interested parties

Definition of Done

Open and closed cases show up in the data dashboard (vs only closed cases)

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am on the Data Dashboard When I view the various charts on the page Then I should see both open and closed cases included in the totals And archived cases should be excluded (this is the existing behavior)

heliofreitastw commented 2 months ago

There is a feature flag called displayAllStatusInDashboard that when enabled allows all the statuses to be displayed. We can enable this feature flag for NO and they should be able to visualize the cases with all the statuses instead of only Forwarded to agency and Closed.

heliofreitastw commented 2 months ago

These checkboxes were added to allow the user to choose which case status they want to include in the visualization of the dashboard. The code is in this branch. The example of how it looks it is below:


rnair-tw commented 2 months ago


heliofreitastw commented 2 months ago

In the deskcheck today @rnair-tw said to not display the checkboxes and to keep the feature flag. I will be reverting the changes, then pushing them to the master branch.

heliofreitastw commented 2 months ago

This is the original PR:

This is the original branch:

heliofreitastw commented 2 months ago

@thoughtworks-vwong The code has been removed in this commit. So, there is no development to test.

The following has been done to the client so they could see all the statuses in the data dashboard:

heliofreitastw commented 1 month ago

I added the seeder to update the feature flag for NOIPM.

thoughtworks-vwong commented 1 month ago

Verified both open and closed cases are displayed in Data Dashboard. There was a bug found where if intake source is empty, it'll display as null on the dashboard -



rnair-tw commented 1 month ago

to check w/ @heliofreitastw if this needs to be pushed to prod

heliofreitastw commented 1 month ago

@rnair-tw @christina-luong this can be pushed to prod. It only affects NOIPM. All the code written for it does is updating a feature flag value to true.