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Add NOPD Case Number field to Incident Details #600

Open christina-luong opened 2 months ago

christina-luong commented 2 months ago

User Story

As a user in New Orleans I want to be able to add the "NOPD Case Number" to a case So that it makes it easier to investigate cases

Business Context:

In the Incident Details page, we want to see a new field called "NOPD Case Number". This should be editable in the Edit Incident Details screen. It should also show up in the Referral Letter.

In Scope

  1. Add "NOPD Case Number" field in Edit Incident Details and Incident Details (for context, NOPD Case #s typically look like: A-12345-24)
  2. Add this to referral letter in the "Incident Details" section underneath date, time, location (which are currently displayed)


Out of Scope

Open Questions




Acceptance Criteria

  1. Scenario: Given that I have entered or edited the "NOPD Case Number" field When I click "Save" Then the information is saved to this incident And shows up in the referral letter once it is generated for a new case





andrew-rist-tw commented 1 month ago

Will require a new field in the cases table (migration), will need to alter the letterBody template (probably using a seeder)