PublicDataWorks / complaint-manager

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Restructure the officers table #602

Open rnair-tw opened 2 months ago

rnair-tw commented 2 months ago

User Story

As a user who wants keep my data in the system accurate and up to date I want to be able to see fields I understand in my data table So that I am clear about my data in the system

Definition of Done

The following tasks have been completed:

Acceptance Criteria

Given I am in the database in all environments When I check the fields Then there's no mention of windows_username in the codebase or in any database, instead, we use employee_id. And employee_id is a unique required field which is part of the primary key And there is no longer and mention of officer_number in the officers table.

Given I am on any non prod client environment When I search for officers Then I am able to search for dummy data officers

espinolaJ-TW commented 1 month ago


Test in csvCaseExport.test.js from line 602 to 604 were commented out because of adjustments needed for when cases_officer table is restructured .

expect( officerComplainantRow["Officer Complainant Windows Username"] ).toEqual(${caseOfficerComplainant.windowsUsername});

thoughtworks-vwong commented 1 month ago

Regression testing complete of New Orleans and everything looks good: