PublicDataWorks / complaint-manager

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Enable responsive layout of charts in Data Dashboard #608

Open rnair-tw opened 2 months ago

rnair-tw commented 2 months ago

User Story

As a user who needs to look at Complaint Manager data I want to be able to see the charts when I reduce my screen size So that I can view multiple windows simultaneously without losing any information (e.g. if I need to work on a report and have the charts open in a side by side view)


This story refers to the private Data Dashboard. Refer to #535 for a previous investigation into this issue and possible solutions Pair with Natalia on the implementation of this card

Definition of Done

When resizing the browser window, all the charts within the Complaint Manager are adjusted dynamically to maintain legibility.

Acceptance Criteria

Given I have the Data Dashboard open in full screen When I reduce my screen size Then the charts are resized

thoughtworks-vwong commented 1 month ago

Verified charts are responsive in data dashboard
