PublicDataWorks / complaint-manager

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Upgrade to React 18 #613

Open rd-huerta opened 2 months ago

rd-huerta commented 2 months ago

User Story

As a developer I want to upgrade complaint manager to React 18 So that I can keep my libraries up to date to make my work more efficient


Upgrading to the most recent version of React is recommended because it will provide: new features that can make your code more efficient & easier to write, performance Improvements(faster and more efficient application), bug fixes, security updates, long term support, etc.

This story is blocked by #607 Previous spike work was done on #594

Tech Notes

Definition of Done

Complaint manager uses React 18 across the app with no failing tests or breaking changes.

Acceptance Criteria

Given complaint manager upgrades to React 18 When I rebuild and run all tests Then the app works, the build works, and no tests fail.