We need to upgrade our database plans for CI and Staging from mini to essential-0 before july 31st 2024. This will require updating and re-running the terraform scripts to set the plan for the CI and Staging Environments to essential-0
User Story
As a non-production environment
I want to have a database that won't be deleted on July 31st
So that I can function correctly
Definition of Done
noipm-ci and noipm-staging are using the essential-0 plan for their postgres add-on
Updates to Terraform scripts are pushed up to github in the instance_files_noipm project
We need to upgrade our database plans for CI and Staging from mini to essential-0 before july 31st 2024. This will require updating and re-running the terraform scripts to set the plan for the CI and Staging Environments to
User Story
As a non-production environment I want to have a database that won't be deleted on July 31st So that I can function correctly
Definition of Done
plan for their postgres add-oninstance_files_noipm