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Update list of facilities and housing units #635

Open christina-luong opened 3 weeks ago

christina-luong commented 3 weeks ago

User Story

As a user in Hawaii I want to see an updated dropdown list of facilities So that I can select and display the relevant facility for this incident

Business Context:

In previous story #547, we replaced the incident location field with facility. In this story, we will ensure that the list of facilities in the system matches the list provided by Hawaii.

Mapping here: 042624FullName-Facility-Housing.Units.Mapping__CC.xlsx

In Scope

  1. Add any missing facilities to the system (see first row of mapping csv for the list of facilities)
  2. Add housing units to these facilities if applicable
  3. Ensure that all facilities and their respective housing units are displayed and selectable in the dropdowns

Out of Scope

Open Questions


Acceptance Criteria

  1. Scenario: Given that I am editing a case in Hawaii mode When click on the Facility dropdown Then I see the full updated list of facilities

  2. Scenario: Given that I have selected a facility And the facility has a housing unit other than N/A When I click on Housing Unit Then I can see the list of applicable housing units


First row of the mapping is the list of facilities The following rows are housing units linked to their respective facility


