PublicRadioInternational / embed-containers

Development for embed containers within PRI's Platform
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Development for embed containers within PRI's Platform


All necessary files that must be included are located under dist. Refer to src/js/demo.js to see how to interact with the Embed Container.
Files in dist do not contain external dependencies, with the exception of bootstrap which is compiled into the minified CSS found in dist. Please see the "Dependency Gathering" section to understand how to gather and install dependencies.


Developer dependencies:

Dependency gathering

Download all the necessary packages with the following two commands (executed in either order):

$ npm install
$ bower install


The gulp file requires some information to run properly. Duplicate the file config.json.template (found in the root folder), rename it to config.json, and modify the new file so that the serverRoot field contains an absolute file path to the root directory of a server hosted on the development machine.
Once that change is made, gulp can be run by simply typing gulp into a shell whose working directory is in src. The default gulp task will concatenate all javascript into one file and all css into another file. It will also move the necessary files over to the server root. The task will keep running, so keep the shell open, watching for changes to any html, php, js, or less files. If changes are made, one of the running gulp-watch tasks will run the corresponding gulp task.