PublicisSapient / accessible-ecommerce-demo

A truly accessible eCommerce experience brought to you by PublicisSapient
MIT License
29 stars 13 forks source link


A truly accessible demo eCommerce website brought to you by Publicis.Sapient.

This project is currently in alpha status. This means that anything could change at any time. Additionally, it means that your feedback will have an impact on how the project evolves, so please feel free to open issues.

Accessibility Criteria

We are supporting the following:

Production Notes


Please review the BEM documentation in preparation for the hackathon.

GIT Flow

Please branch off of the default branch. The default branch is currently dev

Creating a new branch as follows. The general nomenclature for a branch should be 'feature/feature-name', 'defect/defect-id', 'hotfix/hotfix-date'. Ex) Create a feature by running the following in your terminal: git branch -b feature/carousel

Please be sure to provide detailed comments within your commits as follows:

git commit -m "Title of the commit" -m "Detailed comment"

Open up a pull request from your working branch into dev, and have your partner approve and merge the branch within GitHub.

Developer Syntax Settings

These settings override both User and Default settings for the HTML syntax. Please add these to your IDE syntax overrides. { "tab_size": 2, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true } We're also using ESLint, and there's some config files for that already in the repo that your IDE should be able to pick up.

Initial Setup

1) Open Terminal on your computer (or Terminal equivalent).

2) Navigate to the directory where you want this repository code to be on your local computer using the cd foldername command.

3) Enter the following 3 lines in Terminal:

git clone
cd accessible-ecommerce-demo
npm install


After completing the initial setup, you can simply run the following in Terminal:

npm start

And a local server will be started with hot-reloading/injection for js and scss files.


The project is using Parcel.js as a bundler/transpiler, which should auto-magically bundle any of the files that are embedded, linked or imported. There are some limitations, like the pre-compiled handlebars templates. See how the sprites.svg file is referenced in those templates for examples of how the relative paths need to be changed in these cases.


We are using handlebars for templating and dynamic component re-rendering. See codebase for examples, detailed usage notes will be added later, but there was some distinctions made between a render-once template (like replacing placeholder blocks on a page for header/footer, or larger component blocks). These templates are usually inserted using element.outerHTML, so that the placeholder DOM element is replaced entirely. For components like the product grid or pagination—which need to be re-rendered any time the data changes—element.innerHTML is used.


There's a single sprites.svg file that has (almost) all of the site's icons in it. These can be imported and styled individually. See codebase for examples, usage notes will be added later.


We're using PouchDB to create an in-browser database via the Indexed DB API. Usage notes will be added later.


The header/main nav and PLP page are using CSS Grid and Flexbox. CSS Grid is amazing to work with, so exploration of these is encouraged! We don't need to support IE!

Automated testing with Pa11y

An automated accessibility test can be run to look for major accessibility or HTML validity errors. The test is run using pa11y-ci (

To run the test, stop any runner parcel server (Control + C) enter the following into Terminal:

npm run test

This process will

Any errors will be displayed in Terminal.


To deploy to the public site, run the following in Terminal:

npm run build
npm run deploy

This can be done from any working branch, but ideally would should be run from dev or master. *NB: These two lines will be simplified into a single command in the next update