PuceBaboon / ESP_Power_Save

How to reliably switch the ESP8266 WiFi on and off to achieve significant power savings.
Apache License 2.0
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This test program demonstrates a method for saving power when using the ESP8266, by implementing on/off switching of the ESP8266 WiFi without affecting any of the module's other functionality.

This power saving method was developed by members of the ESP8266 community and is outlined in the submissions to [GitHub issue #644 of the ESP8266/Arduino project] (https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/644) by users "torntrousers", "hallard", "chaeplin", "Links2004" and others. To them go the accolades, to me only the blame if I've misinterpreted or misrepresented their work.


This method does -not- put the microcontroller to sleep and requires neither an interrupt nor a reset to turn the WiFi back on again. You don't need to modify your hardware in any way to use it.

The ESP8266 consumes only about one tenth of the power (very roughly) with the WiFi off, compared with having the WiFi switched on and transmitting, so the power savings are considerable. However, this method may still not be suitable for applications where the battery capacity is limited, as even with the WiFi switched off, the ESP still draws in the region of 20mA (in the same ball park as a constantly illuminated, high brightness LED).

This program shows how to use this method to reliably and asynchronously disable and re-enable WiFi from your own application.

Functionality and Use

This program was built using PlatformIO, but should be directly transferable to the Arduino IDE and (with a small amount of work) to the standard SDK.

Before attempting to use this on your own network, you need to update the IP addresses, access-point SSID and password in the user_config.h file.

The ESP_Power_Save.ino contains two main subroutines, WiFi_Off() and WiFi_On() which are called from the standard Arduino loop() to give the user control of the WiFi.

There is a simple menu system using single character input to provide user control from the ESP console connection. The menu commands are:-


As of 4th July 2017, the program also includes a web server and a data directory (with a fairly substantial JPEG file) for testing. To have the ESP serve the JPEG image, you can connect to the ESP (with a web browser, or wget, or curl) using "http://\<IP ADDRESS>/" (where "\<IP ADDRESS>" is the IP address you've assigned to your module, obviously). The JPEG is approximately 750kB, so it will take a while for the ESP to grab it from SPIFFS, chunk it up and spit it out, giving enough time to measure the current consumption of the ESP while busy and transmitting.

If the WiFi is turned off when you submit your query, almost all browsers (and wget and curl) will normally continue to retry for a while and the JPEG should be served as soon as the WiFi is toggled back on.


The data file for the web server is stored in the "data" directory. This data needs to be loaded into SPIFFS (the SPI Flash File System) on the ESP8266. This is accomplished under PlatformIO using these two commands:-

                platformio run -t buildfs
                platformio run -t uploadfs

Note that the upload takes quite a while, as the whole filesystem is re-written.


If you try to connect to a non-existent access-point, or one which is out of range, or you use an incorrect password, then the WiFi will not turn off. That seems pretty counter-intuitive to me and I haven't yet worked out why it happens. At any rate, it's obviously worth doing some testing (I use a hand-held ESP8266 rig running on three AA batteries) to make sure that you have connectivity before deploying this power-save code to your remote units.


The ultimate goal of this project is to reduce the power consumption of an ESP8266 to the point where it is practicable to use it for control of a solar battery charger, giving constant, real-time control while still being capable of sending charger data periodically to the (remote) main network.

The battery is a standard, lead-acid car battery with a capacity of about 35Ah. The solar panel is a 21v (max) output unit with a peak current capability of 300mA, so this is a trickle charger, designed specifically for very long term use where the main issue is the possibility of over-charging and "gassing", due to the long hours of strong sunlight we have during a typical Japanese summer.

The battery provides power to a low volume, impeller-type pump in an outdoor sump well for orchard irrigation use. The pump is used only intermittently during the summer and autumn and is removed from the well completely during the winter months.

Obviously, with a wireless-enabled current of around 350ma, the ESP would have the capability (if it were transmitting continuously) of discharging the battery completely in about four and a half days (or of soaking up the entire output of the solar panel, even on the sunniest of days).

Switching the WiFi off completely and using the ESP as a non-networked microcontroller can reduce the steady current requirement to less than 20mA, giving us a theoretical battery life of slightly less than two and a half months (and consuming less than 1/10th of the solar panel output on a sunny day).

All of the figures above are back-of-the-envelope and extremely optimistic. Real world conditions always tend to be (a lot!) less than ideal, but even so, this project should provide both a workable protection method for the battery and a steady stream of loggable status data (not to mention yet another attack vector for my home network). Batteries not included. Some assembly (but no assembler) required. May contain nuts.