PulseTile / PulseTile-AngularJS

Leading edge modular UI framework for healthcare. Based on AngularJS. See documentation at http://docs.pulsetile.com/ See plugins at https://github.com/PulseTile-Plugins ##
Apache License 2.0
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angularjs healthcare usability ux


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PulseTile is a clinically led UX UI framework for healthcare.

See PulseTile Documentation for detailed documentation on the framework.

This repo includes the Core UI Framework and "Core Tiles"

See this repo for other PulseTile "Plugin Tiles"

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To develop and run the application locally you must have the following installed:

 - NodeJS
 - A running version of The Ripple Middleware listening on port 19191


The first step to setup the application locally should be the following:

npm install
bower install

Building & Deployment

PulseTile uses Webpack to build and launch the development environment. After you have installed all dependencies, you may run the app. Running npm start will bundle the app with webpack, launch a development server, and watch all files. The port will be displayed in the terminal.

Just simply run npm start - this will also watch changes.

NPM Scripts

Here's a list of available scripts:

Built With

PulseTile uses Webpack together for its build system.

Webpack handles all file-related concerns:

Angular 1.5 use for modular structure.

Additional information on such topics as data structure we're using is available within the PulseTile Documentation

NB Note that the PulseTile Framework is easiest to understand/experiment with in the context of a wider healthcare stack.

Please check out the Ripple Foundation Showcase Stack Documentation for a better understanding of PulseTile in that context. One of the features available is an install script that gets PulseTile up and running with a set of API provided test data ready to explore.

Product/Project Support

This product /project is supported by the Ripple Foundation, who aim to enhance the PulseTile framework, as part of our mission towards an open platform in healthcare.. We are working to fund as many of the enhancements of PulseTile as we can based on projects that our non profit organisation supports.

We will try to fix any key bugs and documentation errors ourselves. Other issues, requests for enhancements or feature additions, will be added to the project backlog.

The Ripple Foundation is committed to offering free and open software, with quality, free and open documentation, but unfortunately is unable to offer free support for all issues/pull requests in the backlog.

(Our latest thinking on the best model to support our open platform mission in healthcare may best be understood by reading this article. https://opensource.com/business/16/4/refactoring-open-source-business-models

If you would like to offer some of your energy/ suggest other ideas towards progressing an open platform in healthcare, please contact us at info@ripple.foundation )

If you need support with a particular issue/pull request, please let us know and we can consider a bounty source (https://www.bountysource.com/), to get these reviewed / addressed.

Thanks for your interest in PulseTile

The Ripple Foundation http://ripple.foundation/