Purdue-EBEC / generic-grader

A collection of parameterizable tests for automatic grading.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Generic Grader

A collection of generic tests for grading programming assignments.

This project is still in very early development. Expect breaking changes.


pip install generic-grader


  1. Name the reference solution reference.py, and place it in a tests subdirectory of the directory containing the student's code.

  2. Add a configuration file for the assignment in the tests subdirectory (e.g. tests/config.py). It might look something like this:

    from parameterized import param
    from generic_grader.style import comments # Import the tests you want to use
    from generic_grader.utils.options import Options
    # Create tests by calling each test type's build method.
    # They should all start with the word `test_` to be discovered by unittest.
    # Adding a number after `test_` can be used to control the run order.
    # The argument is a list of `param` objects, each with an `Options` object.
    # See the Options class for more information on the available options.
    test_01_TestCommentLength = comments.build(
                 hint="Check the volume of comments in your code.",
                 entries=("Tim the Enchanter",),
                 hint="Check the volume of comments in your code.",
                 entries=("King Arthur",),
  3. Run the tests.

    python -m unittest tests/config.py


  1. Clone the repo onto your machine.

    • HTTPS

      git clone https://github.com/Purdue-EBEC/generic-grader.git
    • SSH

      git clone git@github.com:Purdue-EBEC/generic-grader.git
  2. Set up a new virtual environment in the cloned repo.

    cd generic-grader
    python3.12 -m venv .env3.12
  3. Activate the virtual environment. If you are using VS Code, there may be a pop-up to do this automatically when working from this directory.

    • Linux/macOS

      source .env3.12/bin/activate
    • Windows

  4. Install tesseract-ocr

  5. Install ghostscript

  6. Install the package. Note that this installs the package as editable, so edits will be automatically reflected in the installed package.

    pip install -e .[dev]
  7. Install the pre-commit hooks.

    pre-commit install
  8. Run the tests.

  9. Make changes ...

  10. Deactivate the virtual environment.
