PurduePL / purduepl.github.io

A blog of Programming Languages Group @Purdue
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Purdue University's Programming Languages Group


Adding/Updating Members

Open an issue! We have a template for adding new members to the website. If you want to update your information or add a picture, just open a normal issue or submit a pr.

Resizing pictures

All images are displayed at a 120x120 ratio. Use convert image.jpg -resize 120x120^ -extent 120x120 -gravity center image_small.jpg to get the proper sizing.

A more modern web format can be converted to using cwebp -m 6 -q 80 -mt -af -progress image.jpg -o image.webp

Testing the Website



You might run into an error when attempting to build the site. The first thing to check is if you have a stale Gem.lock or _site. Nuke one or both of these and try a fresh build before anything else.