PureStorage-OpenConnect / pso-explorer

PSO Explorer Helm Chart
Apache License 2.0
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Pure Service Orchestrator™ eXplorer

!!Stop here!! - PSO eXplorer is EOL by July 31 2022 and End of Support by Oct 31, 2022.

A unified view into storage, empowering Kubernetes admins and storage admins with 360-degree container storage visibility.

What is PSO eXplorer?

Pure Service Orchestrator™ eXplorer (or PSO eXplorer) provides a web based user interface for Pure Service Orchestrator™. It shows details of the persistent volumes and snapshots that have been provisioned using PSO, showing provisioned space, actual used space, performance and growth characteristics. The PSO eXplorer dashboard provides a quick overview of the number of volumes, snapshots, storageclasses and arrays in the cluster, in addition to the volume usage, the volume growth over the last 24 hours and cluster-level performance statistics.

Software Pre-Requisites

How to install

Add the PSO eXplorer helm chart repository to your Helm3 repo's:

helm repo add pso-explorer 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PureStorage-OpenConnect/pso-explorer/master/'
helm repo update
helm search repo pso-explorer

Configuration (optional)

You can change the configuraton of the deployment, by downloading the ./pso-explorer/values.yaml file and changing the deployment settings. The following table lists the configurable parameters and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
timeouts.dashboardRefresh Timeout in seconds for the dashboard view (home view) to refresh (page reload). 60
timeouts.cacheRefresh Timeout in seconds to clear cache, once this timeout is reached updates will be collected from K8S and the Pure Storage systems 300
credential.anonymousAccess Authentication for PSO eXplorer is used to secure views that potentially show sensitive data like API tokens. However if you want to secure all views, you can set anonymousAccess to false. Once set to false, the user must authenticate before being able to access any view. false
credential.username Username used for authentication pureuser
credential.passwordHash Password hash used for authentication. Use the following example to create a hash for password password: htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" 'password' \| tr -d ':\n' hash password pureuser
images.webserver.repository The image repo and name to pull PSO eXplorer webserver from quay.io/purestorage/pso-explorer
images.webserver.tag The image tag to pull [release version]
images.webserver.pullPolicy Image pull policy Always
images.redis.repository The image repo and name to pull redis server from redis
images.redis.tag The image tag to pull alpine
images.redis.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
service.type The service type used for exposing the webserver, LoadBalancer and ClusterIP are both allowed LoadBalancer
service.port TCP port used for exposing the webserver 80
ingress.enabled If enabled an ingress object is created false
ingress.tls If enabled TLS is enabled for the ingress object false
ingress.hostname The FQDN hostname used for the ingress object psox.foo.bar
ingress.annotations Any annotations to pass through to the ingress object {}
clusterrolebinding.serviceAccount.name The service account name for the deployment pso-explorer
app.alphaFeatures Allows you to enable alpha features that have not been fully tested and developed. These features should only be used for a test environment and should be considered unstable. They are also likely to change before going into production. false


For security reason, it is strongly recommended to install PSO Explorer in a separate namespace/project. Make sure the namespace is existing, otherwise create it before installing the plugin.

kubectl create namespace <namespace>

Run the Install

Install with default settings

helm install pso-explorer pso-explorer/pso-explorer --namespace <namespace>

Install specifying options via the command line

helm install pso-explorer pso-explorer/pso-explorer --namespace <namespace> --set timeouts.dashboard_refresh=30 --set timeouts.cache_refresh=60

Install with changed settings (values.yaml)

helm install pso-explorer pso-explorer/pso-explorer --namespace <namespace> -f <your_own_dir>/yourvalues.yaml

The values in your values.yaml overwrite the ones in helm-chart/pso-explorer/values.yaml.

How to upgrade

To upgrade your existing PSO Exporer installation to a new version, follow these steps:

helm repo update
helm search repo pso-explorer

The search command will return the latest version of the Helm Chart.

If you do not know the Helm deployment name you used to deploy PSO Explorer, use the following:

helm list -A |grep pso-explorer

The first column returned is the Helm deployment name you used and the second column is the namespace PSO Explorer was deployed in. Now you can run the update as follows:

helm upgrade pso-explorer -n pso-explorer pso-explorer/pso-explorer

Make sure you replace the first occurance of pso-explorer with your Helm deployment name and -n pso-explorer with the namespace you've deployed PSO Explorer in.

Using PSO Explorer

To access PSO Explorer, use the following command to reveal the IP address assigned to the service.

kubectl get service pso-explorer -n <namespace>

Now use your web browser to connect to the IP address and port number:

http://<ip address>:<port>/