PureStorage-OpenConnect / pure-fb-openmetrics-exporter

Pure Storage OpenMetrics exporter for FlashBlade
Apache License 2.0
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flashblade metrics monitoring observability openmetrics prometheus prometheus-exporter purestorage

Current version

Pure Storage FlashBlade OpenMetrics exporter

OpenMetrics exporter for Pure Storage FlashBlade.

Support Statement

This exporter is provided under Best Efforts support by the Pure Portfolio Solutions Group, Open Source Integrations team. For feature requests and bugs please use GitHub Issues. We will address these as soon as we can, but there are no specific SLAs.


This application aims to help monitor Pure Storage FlashBlades by providing an "exporter", which means it extracts data from the Purity API and converts it to the OpenMetrics format, which is for instance consumable by Prometheus.

The stateless design of the exporter allows for easy configuration management as well as scalability for a whole fleet of Pure Storage systems. Each time Prometheus scrapes metrics for a specific system, it should provide the hostname via GET parameter and the API token as Authorization token to this exporter.

To monitor your Pure Storage appliances, you will need to create a new dedicated user on your array, and assign read-only permissions to it. Afterwards, you also have to create a new API key.

Building and Deploying

The exporter is a Go application based on the Prometheus Go client library and Resty, a simple but reliable HTTP and REST client library for Go . It is preferably built and launched via Docker. You can also scale the exporter deployment to multiple containers on Kubernetes thanks to the stateless nature of the application.

The official docker images are available at Quay.io

docker pull quay.io/purestorage/pure-fb-om-exporter:<release>

where the release tag follows the semantic versioning.


Binary downloads of the exporter can be found on the Releases page.

Local development

The following commands describe how to run a typical build :

# clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:PureStorage-OpenConnect/pure-fb-openmetrics-exporter.git

# modify the code and build the package
cd pure-fb-openmetrics-exporter
make build

The newly built exporter executable can be found in the ./out/bin directory.

Optionally, to build the binary with the vendor cache, you may use

make build-with-vendor

Docker image

The provided dockerfile can be used to generate a docker image of the exporter. It accepts the version of the package as the build parameter, therefore you can build the image using docker as follows

docker build -t pure-fb-ome:$VERSION .


Authentication is used by the exporter as the mechanism to cross authenticate to the scraped appliance, therefore for each array it is required to provide the REST API token for an account that has a 'readonly' role. The api-token can be provided in two ways

The first option requires specifying the api-token value as the authorization parameter of the specific job in the Prometheus configuration file. The second option provides the FlashBlade/api-token key-pair map for a list of arrays in a simple YAML configuration file that is passed as parameter to the exporter. This makes possible to write more concise Prometheus configuration files and also to configure other scrapers that cannot use the HTTP authentication header.

The exporter can be started in TLS mode (HTTPS, mutually exclusive with the HTTP mode) by providing the X.509 certificate and key files in the command parameters. Self-signed certificates are also accepted.


usage: pure-fb-om-exporter [-h|--help] [-a|--address "<value>"] [-p|--port <integer>] [-d|--debug] [-s|--secure] [-t|--tokens <file>] [-c|--cert "<value>"] [-k|--key "<value>"]

                           Pure Storage FB OpenMetrics exporter


  -h  --help     Print help information
  -a  --address  IP address for this exporter to bind to. Default:
  -p  --port     Port for this exporter to listen. Default: 9491
  -d  --debug    Enable debug. Default: false
  -s  --secure    Enable TLS verification when connecting to array. Default: false
  -t  --tokens   API token(s) map file
  -c  --cert     SSL/TLS certificate file. Required only for Exporter TLS
  -k  --key      SSL/TLS private key file. Required only for Exporter TLS

The array token configuration file must have to following syntax:

  address: <ip-address>|<hosname1>
  api_token: <api-token1> 
  address: <ip-address2>|<hostname2>
  api_token: <api-token2>
  address: <ip-addressN>|<hostnameN>
  api_token: <api-tokenN>

Scraping endpoints

The exporter uses a RESTful API schema to provide Prometheus scraping endpoints.


Authentication is used by the exporter as the mechanism to cross authenticate to the scraped appliance, therefore for each array it is required to provide the REST API token for an account that has a 'readonly' role. The api-token must be provided in the http request using the HTTP Authorization header of type 'Bearer'. This is achieved by specifying the api-token value as the authorization parameter of the specific job in the Prometheus configuration file.

The exporter understands the following requests:

URL GET parameters description
http://\<exporter-host>:\<port>/metrics endpoint Full array metrics
http://\<exporter-host>:\<port>/metrics/array endpoint Array metrics
http://\<exporter-host>:\<port>/metrics/clients endpoint Clients metrics
http://\<exporter-host>:\<port>/metrics/usage endpoint Quotas usage metrics
http://\<exporter-host>:\<port>/metrics/policies endpoint NFS policies info metrics

Depending on the target array, scraping for the whole set of metrics could result into timeout issues, in which case it is suggested either to increase the scraping timeout or to scrape each single endpoint instead.

Usage examples

In a typical production scenario, it is recommended to use a visual frontend for your metrics, such as Grafana. Grafana allows you to use your Prometheus instance as a datasource, and create Graphs and other visualizations from PromQL queries. Grafana, Prometheus, are all easy to run as docker containers.

To spin up a very basic set of those containers, use the following commands:

# Pure exporter
docker run -d -p 9491:9491 --name pure-fb-om-exporter quay.io/purestorage/pure-fb-om-exporter:<version>

# Prometheus with config via bind-volume (create config first!)
docker run -d -p 9090:9090 --name=prometheus -v /tmp/prometheus-pure.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml -v /tmp/prometheus-data:/prometheus prom/prometheus:latest

# Grafana
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name=grafana -v /tmp/grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana grafana/grafana

Please have a look at the documentation of each image/application for adequate configuration examples.

A simple but complete example to deploy a full monitoring stack on kubernetes can be found in the examples directory

Bugs and Limitations

Metrics Collected

Metric Name Description
purefb_alerts_open FlashBlade open alert events
purefb_info FlashBlade system information
purefb_array_http_specific_performance_latency_usec FlashBlade array HTTP specific latency
purefb_array_http_specific_performance_throughput_iops FlashBlade array HTTP specific throughput
purefb_array_nfs_specific_performance_latency_usec FlashBlade array NFS specific latency
purefb_array_nfs_specific_performance_throughput_iops FlashBlade array NFS specific throughput
purefb_array_performance_latency_usec FlashBlade array latency
purefb_array_performance_throughput_iops FlashBlade array throughput
purefb_array_performance_bandwidth_bytes FlashBlade array throughput
purefb_array_performance_average_bytes FlashBlade array average operations size
purefb_array_performance_replication FlashBlade array replication throughput
purefb_array_s3_performance_latency_usec FlashBlade array latency
purefb_array_s3_performance_throughput_iops FlashBlade array throughput
purefb_array_space_data_reduction_ratio FlashBlade space data reduction
purefb_array_space_bytes FlashBlade space in bytes
purefb_array_space_parity FlashBlade space parity
purefb_array_space_utilization FlashBlade array space utilization in percent
purefb_buckets_performance_latency_usec FlashBlade buckets latency
purefb_buckets_performance_throughput_iops FlashBlade buckets throughput
purefb_buckets_performance_bandwidth_bytes FlashBlade buckets bandwidth
purefb_buckets_performance_average_bytes FlashBlade buckets average operations size
purefb_buckets_s3_specific_performance_latency_usec FlashBlade buckets S3 specific latency
purefb_buckets_s3_specific_performance_throughput_iops FlashBlade buckets S3 specific throughput
purefb_buckets_space_data_reduction_ratio FlashBlade buckets space data reduction
purefb_buckets_space_bytes FlashBlade buckets space in bytes
purefb_clients_performance_latency_usec FlashBlade clients latency
purefb_clients_performance_throughput_iops FlashBlade clients throughput
purefb_clients_performance_bandwidth_bytes FlashBlade clients bandwidth
purefb_clients_performance_average_bytes FlashBlade clients average operations size
purefb_file_systems_performance_latency_usec FlashBlade file systems latency
purefb_file_systems_performance_throughput_iops FlashBlade file systems throughput
purefb_file_systems_performance_bandwidth_bytes FlashBlade file systems bandwidth
purefb_file_systems_performance_average_bytes FlashBlade file systems average operations size
purefb_file_systems_space_data_reduction_ratio FlashBlade file systems space data reduction
purefb_file_systems_space_bytes FlashBlade file systems space in bytes
purefb_hardware_health FlashBlade hardware component health status
purefb_hardware_connectors_performance_throughput_pkts FlashBlade hardware connectors performance throughput
purefb_hardware_connectors_performance_bandwidth_bytes FlashBlade hardware connectors performance bandwidth
purefb_shardware_connectors_performance_errors FlashBlade hardware connectors performance errors per sec
purefb_file_system_usage_users_bytes FlashBlade file system users usage
purefb_file_system_usage_groups_bytes FlashBlade file system groups usage
purefb_nfs_export_rule FlashBlade NFS export policies information

Monitoring On-Premise with Prometheus and Grafana

Take a holistic overview of your Pure Storage FlashBlade estate on-premise with Prometheus and Grafana to summarize statistics such as:

Drill down into specific arrays and identify top busy hosts while correlating read and write operations and throughput to quickly highlight or eliminate investigation enquiries.

For more information on dependencies, and notes to deploy -- take look at the examples for Grafana and Prometheus in the extra/grafana/ and extra/prometheus/ folders respectively.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details