Purgeable / full-app

Keep all functionality for (parsers + db + frontend API) inside one Django project.
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Keep all functionality for (parsers + db + frontend API) inside one Django project.

Suggested components:

  1. Parser yields datapoints based on call with varname and frequency. Can yield random values for a prototype.

  2. Import broker calls parser and stores datapoints in database.

  3. Database stores datapoints. For simlicity overwrite existing datapoints with newer ones.

  4. End user API allows querying database to by varname/frequency


Django Rest API project: mini-kep

Install project

1. Create virtual enviroment with Python 3.6 and start it:

virtualenv -p python3.6 minikep
source /minikep/bin/activate

2. Clone proect from git and install requirements:

git clone https://github.com/mini-kep/full-app.git full-app
cd full-app
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the project:

python manage.py runserver

If you are not using virtual environment with defined python version 3.6 you need to follow this command:

python3 manage.py runserver


user: admin
pass: asdasdasd

Datapoint page:


API page:



Run tests:

python manage.py test

You can look to api/tests to check how CRUD works for Datapoint

About project:

It's a simple Django Rest Api project.

Project has one model: minikep.api.models.Datapoint.

The model has appropriate serializer: minikep.api.serializers.DatapointSerializer

This view takes data from the model to API for CRUD operations:

Global Django settings for whole project: Minikep.minikep


Now project works with sqlite, so you can easy install it locally and check how it works.


Project work with continuous integration service. Now it works with dev branch. It run all tests before deploying changes on Git. .travis.yml - main configuration file for Travis


user: admin
pass: asdasdasd