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[EVENT] Jupyter Hack Night #10

Closed marimeireles closed 10 months ago

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

Hi all, Tracking our organization of the Hack Night event here on GH.

The event is mainly being organized by @discombobulateme. The current idea is to have a hybrid event so @willingc would be able to join us online. @hbcarlos and I would be present IRL in Berlin.

The event lasts 2h we'd need all the mentors to be available during this time. It'd be nice to select a few beginners bugs in Jupyter related repositories to prepare ourselves. A good first bug is a bug that has a clear outline of what has to be done, the public for this event might vary in experience but it's always difficult to acclimatize yourself to a new project, so I guess it's good if the issues are thoroughly explained.

I was thinking we could have issues both in the main Jupyter repo and also in the expanded universe (widgets, xeus kernels, etc). Let me know if you have any different ideas for this event, happy to hear them and incorporate them.

@discombobulateme can you please give us an idea of the times that would work for our current event venues?

Cheers everyone, thanks for offering to help!

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone!

Thank you for pining for me, @marimeireles.

I was thinking we could have issues both in the main Jupyter repo and also in the expanded universe (widgets, xeus kernels, etc). Let me know if you have any different ideas for this event, happy to hear them and incorporate them.

In the JupyterLab repository, we already have a label to identify good issues for getting started with JupyterLab development.

I will take a look at other repositories and ask around.


marimeireles commented 1 year ago

pinging @discombobulateme here :) My calendar is pretty much free for a month from now (21.05 further). Also a few days in april but I think that might be too short notice. Should we try to schedule it for next month from now? That will give us time to create some good first issues or just separate them.

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

Should we try to schedule it for next month from now? That will give us time to create some good first issues or just separate them.

Sounds good! Keep in mind that JupyterCon is on May 10-12. I won't be available that week.

discombobulateme commented 1 year ago

Will give you options :)

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I'm only back in berlin after the 21.05 :(

discombobulateme commented 1 year ago


hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

I prefer May 25, but the other two options also work for me.

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

I have a meeting at 20h... on the 25th Could also be in the weekend? Or on the 23rd for me.

discombobulateme commented 1 year ago

I avoid working on weekends o_O for my sanity. Shall we settle on the 23rd, then? 19-22h?

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

Makes sense! Alright :) seems good to me

discombobulateme commented 1 year ago

Room is booked! I'll start the Meetup page, you can edit :)

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

Great! Thanks @discombobulateme!

discombobulateme commented 1 year ago
discombobulateme commented 1 year ago

event promotion draft

Twitter post - 2


PyLadies Berlin is excited to bring you this open source workshop dedicated to contributing to Jupyter.

Project Jupyter is a non-profit, open-source project, born out of the IPython Project in 2014 as it evolved to support interactive data science and scientific computing across all programming languages.

In this session, you will be guided on how you can make your own contributions to the project. No prior experience contributing is required! Not only will this teach you new skills and boost your CV, you'll also likely get a nice adrenaline rush when your contribution is accepted!

If you don’t finish your contribution during the event, we hope you will continue to work on it after the workshop. Jupyter has a strong commitment to being an open, inclusive, and positive community and offers a number of online communication channels to help keep in touch and feel supported. For more details, see our contributor community page:

❓Any other requirements ❓

  1. Bring your own laptop
  2. Have Github account:
  3. Have git installed:

❓ Can men attend ❓ Everyone is welcome :) If you identify yourself as someone well-represented in open source and in tech, please be mindful of the space and privileges you have, and use it to support others.

• Format for the session: First 30 minutes: network and get comfortable, enjoy the food and drinks. Next 15 minutes : an introduction – what you can contribute, how to contribute, and how to set up your development environment or use gitpod; The rest : "office hours", during which you'll be mentored through setting up a development environment and making a contribution to pandas.

• Preparation (optional) For those who are more keen on using the workshop to work on their contribution to pandas, you may want to start setting up your development environment in advance. This w​​ay, by the time you arrive you are ready to get started on picking issues, and starting to contribute.

Please be aware that it could take longer to set up a development on ​​a computer running a Windows operating system compared to MacOS or Unix. We will guide you through the steps, and they are useful to learn for many open source projects.

To get the most out of the session, it's encouraged (but not required) that you have a look at the contributing guide beforehand:

• Audience level Everyone is welcome to attend this session! If you've never contributed to open source software before, then you will learn how to, and if you have experience contributing, then you can either help mentor other attendees or you can work on more challenging contributions. It is useful to have some pandas, git, and python and experience. If you don't much experience with them, you might expect to spend time "learning by doing".

Mentors The session will be led by

Mariana Meirelles. Mariana develops software in contexts that are uplifting to the world. She cares about how to effectively employ her efforts to improve altruistic organisations. Currently she’s focusing in the issues of governance in open source and in broad coordination issues. Carlos Herrero. Computer Engineer working at @QuantStack. Passionate about AI and his applications to robotics. Host This event is being sponsored by Sauce Labs Food and drinks will be available from our hosts 🥳

• By attending our event, you agree to the PyLadies Code of Conduct:

• Contact Interested in speaking at one of our events? Have a good idea for a Meetup? Get in touch with us at Find us on the PyLadies Global workspace: enter your email address. Accept the email invitation Go to workspace Join channel #city-berlin, #germany, #jobs-europe

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

hey all @anapaulagomes reached out to me on twitter, she's a super capable software engineer doing lots of cool things with data. Ana, Carlos and I used to work in the same company doing several different jupyter stuff. I mainly worked with kernels, I guess Carlos did more widgets work but by now he must have worked with all kinds of stuff :) Let us know if you have any questions and would like to join us as a facilitator @discombobulateme (Paloma) is organizing everything and she is fabulous!

discombobulateme commented 1 year ago

@marimeireles & @hbcarlos just waiting for your 👍 to publish the event 😎

anapaulagomes commented 1 year ago

Hi folks! How can I help? :)

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

Hi @discombobulateme. Sorry for the delay. I'm swamped these days.

First, thanks for setting up the workshop and writing down the description.

Regarding the requirements, I would also add having conda/mamba installed, at least as optional. Every Jupyter subproject has install instructions for Conda, and I think it is better to use Conda environments.

Any other requirements question

Bring your own laptop Have Github account: Have git installed:

Have miniconda or micromamba installed (recommendable):

On the other side, is the workshop focused on contributing to pandas? Just asking because pandas is not part of the Jupyter project, and I don't have experience with that library.

discombobulateme commented 1 year ago

hahahaha I used the pandas workshop as blue print 😅 good catch! will update with the requirements :D

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

I guess Carlos did more widgets work, but by now he must have worked with all kinds of stuff

@marimeireles Actually, I have never created a Jupyter Widget myself (it is on my to-do list, though). I do have some experience with widgets because, at this point, I'm familiar with the entire Jupyter architecture and how each subproject relates to the other. Still, I have been working mainly on JupyterLab and JupyterLab extensions.

IPyWidgets (Jupyter-Widgets) has a "good first issue" label in its repository that as well as in JupyterLab, it is a good start for new contributors.

If we stick to the "good first issue" or create a basic widget from scratch, I can take care of that part of the workshop.

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

I used the pandas workshop as blue print

haha Nice! For a moment, I thought I was in the wrong workshop or something. hahaha

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

Regarding the workshop, I would do a small intro to the Jupyter project (explaining what subproject we have). Then each participant can choose if they want to create an extension for jupyterlab, create their own Jupyter widget or contribute to one of the projects by tackling one of the "good first issues" from JupyterLab or Jupyter Widgets.

Some of the subprojects we can look into during the workshop and ways to collaborate:

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

Hi folks! How can I help? :)

Hi, @anapaulagomes! Welcome!

Do you have any experience with Jupyter?

Edited: Do you have experience with the Jupyter project, TypeScrip, or Python?

anapaulagomes commented 1 year ago

Hey @hbcarlos! I have basic experience with Jupyter, and more with Python. None with TypeScript, though. I'm also experienced in open-source contributions, so I can help with this as well.

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @anapaulagomes. In the Jupyter stack, all the backend components are built in Python, so your skills will be helpful during "office hours".

Jupyter-Server (the backend for JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook) is written in Python. Most JupyterLab extensions come with a server extension in the same package to extend the server functionality, for example, by adding new endpoints.

We also use Python in Jupyter-Widgets. Widgets have two parts: a Python instance in the Kernel and a JavaScript instance in the front end (Notebook). It is possible to create cool widgets with basic JavaScript, and it is not necessary to use TypeScript.

If you have some spare time, you could look at the documentation and play around with it (feel free to ping me anytime for questions). It will be helpful to have more people with some knowledge.

If you prefer to help organize the event, you should talk to @marimeireles or @discombobulateme :)

discombobulateme commented 1 year ago

Ahhhh it will be a pleasure to see @anapaulagomes again! Are you back in Berlin? @hbcarlos will you be with us in Berlin or remote? We want to try out a hybrid even, right? Will you or @marimeireles have some presentation/ first steps in the beginning?

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

I intend to give an introduction about xeus and the widgets ecosystem. What are they and high level outlook on how they work. I can also check for the actual jupyter widgets repo to see if there are issues there I could help people to get done with.

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

will you be with us in Berlin or remote?

I'll be there with you. I'm also in Berlin.

Will you or @marimeireles have some presentation/ first steps in the beginning?

Yes, we should give a brief introduction. I'm happy to talk about the ecosystem and how each piece interconnects.

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

@marimeireles How do you want to orientate the workshop? Do you want to go for the "good first issues"? They are meant for new contributors with a low technical level. In addition, I just checked, and we have that label on every repository so people can choose where to contribute.

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

Hey @hbcarlos, do you wanna define what which one of us will talk about so we don't do duplicated work? Or you think we can just complement each other on the parts we overlap?

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

We should coordinate a bit. Are you going to JupyterCon? Maybe we can take some time during JupyterCon to meet and prepare a small presentation.

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

Maybe we should also coordinate with @willingc.

anapaulagomes commented 1 year ago

More than happy to help during office hours, @hbcarlos! :) I'll take a look at the docs.

@discombobulateme yes, I am in Berlin! Glad to see you too! 😍

discombobulateme commented 1 year ago

Event published :)

anapaulagomes commented 1 year ago

Folks, in the query shared in the developer contributing guide there are just a few issues and that don’t see beginners friendly. Do we have a plan B for it? Like, shall we focus on something else like developing a new widget or so?

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

Hi, @anapaulagomes. There are beginners friendly issues:

You need to go to the repo you want to contribute and filter the issues with the tag good first issue.

anapaulagomes commented 1 year ago

Thanks @hbcarlos! I’ve only checked if this label existed for the main repo (jupyter/jupyter) and since it wasn’t there I assumed that it wasn’t used 😳

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

Besides I want to add some new ones in the extended universe of jupyter (the widgets and kernels) i’m on vacation rn but coming back next week!-mariana meirelesSent from phoneOn 18. May 2023, at 23:19, Ana Paula Gomes @.***> wrote: Thanks @hbcarlos! I’ve only checked if this label existed for the main repo (jupyter/jupyter) and since it wasn’t there I assumed that it wasn’t used 😳

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discombobulateme commented 1 year ago

My dear people, just a feedback, I have one 1 person who wrote me to attend online :) Just so you know

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

Yo frens Happy we made this far!!

So I'm working on a small slide deck it's not ready yet, hopefully it will be by tomorrow. Introducing high level concepts on how kernel and widgets work cause that's what I'll be tackling => essentially xeus stuff + ipycytoscape, Carlos. I can also grab some other widgets by QS but my actual proficiency lies in these two repos.

Today and tomorrow I intend to tag some extra good first issues and also take a look at the ipywidgets repo and see what I can do around there...

Excited to see yall tomorrow! LMK if you'd like me to change smth or do smth Cheers!

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

Oh @discombobulateme are you doing the slides on introducing pyladies, etc? Or should I take care of that part?

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

Thank you, @marimeireles! Your slides look great!

Your explanation of Kernels and Widgets looks excellent. I can not add anything there. I was thinking of preparing a small talk introducing Project Jupyter (governance, ways to contribute, etc.). I can also talk about the difference between the Classic Notebook, JupyterLab, and the new Notebook v7 (It is a huge change, and I think people will be interested in that).

@marimeireles Let me know what you think.

anapaulagomes commented 1 year ago

Folks, I don't know if you saw my message on the meetup page but I might be late today.

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

Thank you, @marimeireles! Your slides look great!

Thanks! It's mostly taken from the docs 😈

Your explanation of Kernels and Widgets looks excellent. I can not add anything there. I was thinking of preparing a small talk introducing Project Jupyter (governance, ways to contribute, etc.). I can also talk about the difference between the Classic Notebook, JupyterLab, and the new Notebook v7 (It is a huge change, and I think people will be interested in that).

That'd be excellent I was planning on just saying hey, jupyter lab is diff from notebooks it's very unfortunate PR move and I have no idea why they did it, but personally I have no idea what's up with nb 7 or anything like that, maybe you start then! Talking about governance and stuff.


@anapaulagomes no biggie :) thanks for coming!

discombobulateme commented 1 year ago

@marimeireles I have to be back and forth bringing people in. If you can present PyLadies, probably be better. Than I can be in full support of people and space :)

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

@discombobulateme no problemo can you please send me the latest one? I think I have one but it's probably very old. @hbcarlos since you're also presenting I'll let you introduce yourself in your presentation and @anapaulagomes not sure what you prefer? Should I give a small intro on you and say you're coming later or you want to introduce yourself once you arrive...? If you'd like me to give a brief intro and could send me a lil text it'd be perfect. Thanks!

discombobulateme commented 1 year ago

Yes! you can cut it all, or add you, carlos and ana to the mentors :) whatever works the best

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

Okay, @anapaulagomes @hbcarlos if you wanna me send a one liner just so I pre introduce you on the intro slides feel free to also do it here

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @marimeireles.

To introduce myself, you can say that I'm a Scientific software developer at QuantStack, where I spend my time trying to improve the Jupyter ecosystem by working on JupyterLab-related projects.

anapaulagomes commented 1 year ago

I'll leave it to you, in case I'm not there, Mari. If had already presented, just point at me so people know my name, and that they can ask for my help :) Oh, and I just added my line to your slides. Thank you!