π PyLadies Resources π€
Here is a selection of useful resources as well as slides, exercises and materials from our workshops.
:computer: Websites for learning
π©βπ» / π¨βπ» Workshops/Tutorials
Learn Python
Practice Python
Python core
Web related
Data related
More deep data resources (opentechschool - [datascience learning recommendations] (https://github.com/ellenkoenig/datascience-co-learning#python))
Transfer learning for computer vision - https://github.com/ividal/TransferLearning/blob/master/README.md
Other topics / Challenges
π©βπ»Other Berlin based Meetups
π©βπ» Initiatives to teach IT skills to women (distance learning)
Open source Projects to get involved with
You can also find more projects on the open source diversity forum
Past workshops
πΎ Slides, exercises and materials
- Getting started - setting up your machine
- Introduction to programming with python
- Understanding the web basics
- Introduction to Django
- Introduction to git
- Python basics variables functions files for beginners
- Data visualization with django and highcharts
- Workshop web scraping
- Python in science
- Test driven development
- Pandas intro
- Building a small web app using mvc patterns
- How to write pythonic code
- Fun games
- Coding alg to win
- Microservices
- Rest apis
- Blender solar system modellingn
- Git and github
- Telegram Bots
- Python beginners workshop
- MicroPython IoT workshop
- Hardware Hackevening Resources
- Data Wrangling with Pandas (Meetup event)
- Developers X Operations AKA devops! Docker edition
(slides included in the repo), (Meetup event)
- TDD workshop
(Meetup event)
- Build and Implement a Deep Learning Speech Classifier in Python,
(Meetup event)
- Getting started with PyMC and Bayesian Modelling,
(Meetup event)
- Noise filters in Python,
Make a free account in https://i.notebooks.ai/i/qrtJj3 to access, (Meetup event)
- Building a data science project from scratch, (Meetup event), many nice resource in the requirements
- Web Scraping with Scrapy and MongoDB running on Docker
:microphone: Public speaking - Call for Proposals - CFP
Brilliant talks about public speaking in conferences.
If you wanna join us as a coach, please fill in this form and we will reach out to
ask you whenever we are in need.
Thanks for your active support :heart:
:clipboard: Organizing resources
Everything related with Pyladies Berlin chapter organizing.
π Issues or suggestions
If you found an issue on the page or only have a quick suggestion (for example a resource to add), please open a new issue in our issue list. Thank you! π
:smiley: :trophy: Adding resources yourself
- You can clone this repository and add resources (ie workshop material) if you do so :heart_eyes:, please submit a Pull
- How to create a pull request? This guide will help you get started: Opening a pull request :heart:
:satellite: Contact us
You can reach us either through email or on our slack, if your not already a member you can an invite here.
:v: Code of conduct
The PyLadies community has a code of conduct that are shared between all our members and apply at our Meetups as well as on our online platforms, please respect our shared values. :relieved: