PyLadiesCZ /

Dočasný web pro kurz webového frontendu
MIT License
1 stars 4 forks source link

This is more or less temporary website based on older materials from different sources. That's why it's software architecture is a bit weird.


With node.js installed run

sudo npm i gulp-cli -g
npm i


Enjoy automatic refreshing of everything by running.

gulp develop

The website will run on http://localhost:3030.

Content writing

Add .md files in subfolders of /lekce/. Required HTML files are created automatically.

Don't forget to add/remove links to files to /_menu.html and to /index.html.

Inside .md

Top sections are divided by \n---\n while subsections are divided by \n----\n.

For tasks add <!-- .slide: data-state="c-slide-task" --> at the beggining of the section.

Put HTML examples into <div class="c-example example-foo"> where example-foo is a name of your choice and add styling to examples.scss file.


With installed surge client (npm i surge -g) run

gulp deploy

Note: you need to have access to surge account (just ask Dan Srb).