.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pycartociudad.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycartociudad
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/pyladiesmadrid/pycartociudad.svg :target: https://travis-ci.com/pyladiesmadrid/pycartociudad
.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pycartociudad/badge/?version=latest :target: https://pycartociudad.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest :alt: Documentation Status
pycartociudad contains Python functions to access the CartoCiudad REST and WPS API (REST y WPS) from IGN with spanish cartography services.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
To use the pycartociudad package you will need to have python installed (at least version 3.6). For detailed instructions, please check the `Downloading Python guide`_
.. _`Downloading Python guide`: https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Download
Dependencies can be managed through a pipenv wrapper. In order to install pipenv, check the `pipenv installation documentation`_.
.. _`pipenv installation documentation`: https://pipenv.pypa.io/en/latest/#install-pipenv-today
To install the latest published PyPI version of pycartociudad::
pip install pycartociudad
To upgrade an already installed pycartociudad
package from PyPI::
pip install --upgrade pycartociudad
The pycartociudad
development repository can be found in the pycartociudad GitHub repository
_. To make a local copy of the pycartociudad
repository, clone it or download is as a zip file.
.. _pycartociudad GitHub repository
: https://github.com/PyLadiesMadrid/pycartociudad
To get a development env running, go to the downloaded or cloned pycartociudad
folder and install it using pipenv::
$ pipenv install --dev
Geocoding is the geolocation of addresses in Spain via Cartociudad API calls. Calling the ``geocode`` function returns the details of the closest address in Spain to the indicated address::
import pycartociudad as pycc
pycc.geocode('Plaza mayor 1, madrid')
"comunidadAutonoma":"Comunidad de Madrid",
"geom":"POINT (-3.7066353973101624 40.41505683353346)",
"stateMsg":"Resultado exacto de la búsqueda",
Reverse geocoding
Reverse geocoding is the search of an address details based on latitude and longitude coordinates::
import pycartociudad as pycc
pycc.reverse_geocode(40.4472, -3.7076)
"comunidadAutonoma":"Comunidad de Madrid",
"address":"REINA VICTORIA",
"geom":"POINT (-3.707649842620833 40.447247624136764)",
"stateMsg":"Resultado exacto de la búsqueda",
Reverse geocoding can be performed to look for cadastral details with the cadastral parameter::
pycc.reverse_geocode(40.4472476241486,-3.7076498426208833, cadastral=True)
"geom":"POINT (-3.7076498426208833 40.4472476241486)",
"stateMsg":"Resultado exacto de la búsqueda",
Get location info
The ``get_location_info`` function gets extra information of a location using official spanish web map services, such as cadastre, census or geocoding information::
import pycartociudad as pycc
"comunidadAutonoma":"Comunidad de Madrid",
"address":"REINA VICTORIA",
"geom":"POINT (-3.707649842620833 40.447247624136764)",
"stateMsg":"Resultado exacto de la búsqueda",
Route between two points
This function gets the route between two points (encoded with their latitude-longitude coordinates), either walking or in a vehicle::
import pycartociudad as pycc
d = pycc.route_between_two_points(40.447313139920475,-3.704361232340851,40.44204376380937,-3.699671450323607)
for i in d['instructionsData']['instruction']:
Gire justo a la derecha por CALLE SANTA ENGRACIA
Gire a la izquierda por CALLE RIOS ROSAS
Objetivo logrado
To run a subset of tests::
$ python -m unittest tests.test_geocode
$ python -m unittest tests.test_reverse_geocode
The pycartociudad
documentation can be found in pycartociudad readthedocs
.. _pycartociudad readthedocs
: https://pycartociudad.readthedocs.io
Details on the API implementation can be found in the official Cartociudad API specs
.. _Cartociudad API specs
: https://www.cartociudad.es/recursos/Documentacion_tecnica/CARTOCIUDAD_ServiciosWeb.pdf
Please read CONTRIBUTING.rst
_ for the process of submitting pull requests to us.
: https://github.com/PyLadiesMadrid/pycartociudad/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.rst
For details on our code of conduct, check the PyLadies Code of Conduct
.. _PyLadies Code of Conduct
: https://madrid.pyladies.com/coc/
_... @koldLight: https://github.com/koldLight .. @zupeiza: https://github.com/zupeiza .. @beatrizgoa: https://github.com/beatrizgoa .. @aliciapj: https://github.com/aliciapj
For a list of contributors, check the PyLadies pycartociudad contributor list
.. _PyLadies pycartociudad contributor list
: https://github.com/PyLadiesMadrid/pycartociudad/graphs/contributors
There are two licenses here:
IGN license specs
_.repository LICENSE file
_... _IGN license specs
: http://www.ign.es/web/resources/docs/IGNCnig/FOOT-Condiciones_Uso_eng.pdf
.. _repository LICENSE file
: https://github.com/PyLadiesMadrid/pycartociudad/blob/main/LICENSE
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
project template.
.. Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter
.. audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage