PyjamaMole / Skyblock

Just the bare minimum for vanilla skyblock. Automatically removes newely generated chunks.
MIT License
8 stars 0 forks source link


Main page:

This mod was loosely based off of the first version of: :
Omitting the generation of the end portal frames, obsidian pillars,
end crystals, shulkers and elytra. For all vanilla skyblock purists!

All blocks and entities are removed after they are generated as to
ensure that the structure bounding boxes are generated in their
original position.
The +entities version does not remove entities, although they do
fall into the void. They may be catchable using flying machines.

(Note, obsidian pillars and end crystals still regenerate as normal
upon resummoning the dragon.)

The mod can be downloaded on the left.
You can find a recreation of the original
skyblock 2.1 map with seed: -5013545841426130646
(1.18 maps under v1.0 and updated 1.20 maps under v1.6)

WARNING: do not open any pre-1.18 worlds with this mod active!
While converting from pre 1.18 to post 1.18, the mod will remove all
blocks and entities in the old chunks.
Remove the mod, convert your world and re-add the mod afterwards.
Updating between any post 1.18 versions should be fine, although I do
recommend backing up your world beforehand.

I have also included a map that starts you off with only a barrel
containing the bare minimum items to get all renewable resources,
and complete all advancements.
I have however included some items in the inventory to make early
game more bearable. Feel free to make your own selection!


Fabric Installer:

If you have any trouble with a part of the installation,
I made a step by step on the process:
The tutorial is written for 1.18 but the steps are the same for
subsequent versions.