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Ambermoon rewrite in C#
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Item name adjustments (german language) #160

Closed skdubg closed 3 years ago

skdubg commented 3 years ago


there are some typos inside the cheat console for the german language. i will wrote the corrected entrys here.

monsters: 044-047: GARGOYLE

items: 085: MYSTISCHER GLOBUS 139: MAGISCHE FLUGSCHEIBE 312: VALDYN'S LEDERSCHUHE (its 20 chars long, could be too much, the max i see are 19) 358: SANSRIE'S HALSBAND

Also, the monster "Gargyle" is misspelled, it needs to be spelled "Gargoyle". I suspect this is misspelled throughout the game, can this be possible? I guess the same for 'Mystischer Globe'.

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

The names come directly from the game data so it is wrong there. I will check what is worth fixing in the original data. The max size for Valdyn's boots may be a bug of the cheat console. Will check that too.

skdubg commented 3 years ago

Later I got the idea that it could come directly from the game. 😁

I also thought about the apostrophe. I am not really familiar with the rules.

I have found at Wikipedia: The apostrophe may not be used to separate the genitive s. The apostrophe is only permitted to clarify proper nouns: "Christina's Blumenshop"

I have set this equal to "Sandra's Schlüssel", "Luminor's Turm",...

Thanks for your effort.

a1exh commented 3 years ago


Both of these are referred to by their correct spelling in other parts of the game.

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago


Both of these are referred to by their correct spelling in other parts of the game.

I guess those are the already corrected names.

a1exh commented 3 years ago

Yes. The mistakes are


a1exh commented 3 years ago

Perhaps the 2nd is the maximum number of characters?

I remember in the English version that one entry was 'YELLOW CARD SPHER' and we had to change it to 'YELLOWCARD SPHERE'

skdubg commented 3 years ago

its possible yes. same with VALDYN'S LEDERSCHUH(E)

but: the two maps entry are 20 chars long. after correction 21 chars. So 20 chars should be possible.

I will check tomorrow how this looks in the game. Could be that the font then protrudes into the graphics

a1exh commented 3 years ago

They are all different


Because these are in the two EXEs (AMB_CPU and AMB_BLT) I think that changing the string length of any entry (to more than it was) might be very hard to change.

At least that is what @Pyrdacor said when I wanted to change "YELLOW CARD SPHERE"

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

Item names are stored as 20 bytes but the last byte must be a null byte for termination. So you have 19 characters max.

skdubg commented 3 years ago

okay thanks for clarifination. but why are the map entrys 20 chars long?

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

Map names can be up to 65535 characters long in theory. They are stored together with all other map texts in XMap_texts.amb.

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

As @a1exh said the items are stored inside the executable. They are pieces of data embedded in the code. Most other resources are stored in separate files with different formats.

skdubg commented 3 years ago

OK I understand. Thank you. So 19 characters is the maximum.

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

We could use abbreviations like "Mag. Flugscheibe". I guess it is clear enough. And "Valdyns Lederschuhe" also fits.

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

I would prefer to remove the apostrophes anyway as they are unusual in German and we can save some space.

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

On my to-do list there are some fixes for the original data. I can adjust the item names too.

skdubg commented 3 years ago

yes thats a good idea. so we must/can remove all apostrophes from all texts?

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

yes thats a good idea. so we must/can remove all apostrophes from all texts?

I guess so. I will do a full text search and adjust it one by one. It's a shame the world map also uses it. :/

skdubg commented 3 years ago

a difficult decision :-P

It would perhaps be done for visual reasons on the world map. I like it better with apostrophe, because the name is then easier to recognize. But you guys decide. You have done more for this game than I have

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

I am not sure either. It would change a lot of texts I guess. Maybe I only change the Valdyn shoes. I could also use "Valdyn's Schuhe".

@a1exh Do you know the English name?

skdubg commented 3 years ago

Would also suffice, the other things from Valdyn are simple too (only sword, not longsword)

a1exh commented 3 years ago

@a1exh Do you know the English name?



If it was to be a literal translation I believe LEDERSCHUHE would have been : VALDYN'S LEATHER SHOES but it was too long.

To be consistent with the v1.07 data perhaps change to "VALDYN'S SCHUHE"?

a1exh commented 3 years ago

And "Valdyns Lederschuhe" also fits.

Isn't that what it was in v1.01?

Could it have been changed to "Valdyn's Lederschuh" in a later patch?

skdubg commented 3 years ago

I have looked again at the lengths of the maps. In some of them the text is so long that it protrudes into the graphics, this is not very nice visually.

I would vote for a shortening here to match it.

If we then know whether we want to write everywhere with or without apostrophe, this would also have to be adjusted for some maps.



visually it is one char to much, better would be just "Stadt Spannenberg".

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

And "Valdyns Lederschuhe" also fits.

Isn't that what it was in v1.01?

Could it have been changed to "Valdyn's Lederschuh" in a later patch?

I removed the apostrophe in relation to the current version to make space for the E. But strange that it already was written this way in 1.01. I guess someone wanted to add the apostrophe. I will change it back.

skdubg commented 3 years ago

i found another spelling error at the german version. when you talk to Nelvin, he always addresses you in a masculine way:


Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

Will be hard to fix as there is no placeholder for "EDLE"/"EDLER". But thanks. Maybe @a1exh can add this to the bug list? Although it only affects the german version.

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

About the long texts that exceed the map title boundaries: This is the same in the original so I won't change that for now.

skdubg commented 3 years ago

sorry my mistake. now i understand it :)

skdubg commented 3 years ago

another text error, missing space


skdubg commented 3 years ago

fixed in excel list!


skdubg commented 3 years ago

fixed in excel list!


skdubg commented 3 years ago

Anthony misspells the board (it should be "Kommode"):


skdubg commented 3 years ago

it's not a typo, but a logical error in the flow. Two bandits attack, they each have a dagger, not a knife. it should be: "Dolchen"

Knife is good :)

skdubg commented 3 years ago

there should be a "ö", not "o"


Unbenannt12 and a "r" to much (verraten)

skdubg commented 3 years ago

fixed in excel list!


Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting. I agree with most of them. But LOSUNGSWORT is a correct German word. LÖSUNGSWORT is kind of unusual but I guess in German you can create all kind of words by concatenating them. LOSUNG and LÖSUNG are related. LOSUNGSWORT is an older word and means a word to get access to some secret or closed area. While LÖSUNGSWORT means a word which solves a riddle. But more like a crossword puzzle. And in context of an RPG I prefer older words like the former.

The knife/dagger stuff isn't that important imo. At the end a dagger is just a type of knife. And if someone in the real worlds would play with a dagger in a dark back alley I still would refer to it as a knife.

skdubg commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I didn't know the LOSUNGSWORT, a short research confirms your information (many thanks) , so it is correct in the game.

skdubg commented 3 years ago

I think the game will still have some spelling mistakes in german. So far I was only in the cellar, bandit house and Spannenberg. If you want another way I'll share that, let me know. I would otherwise just always attach a screenshot here

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

I am ok with that. Thanks for your efforts.

skdubg commented 3 years ago

a "z" is missing


skdubg commented 3 years ago


Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

The combination of ! and ? is rare but it isn't forbidden. There are a few use cases. But in general you write the ? first. It may be used for irony or when you ask a question you think you know the answer to.

Please keep in mind that the game is a bit older. The "Neue deutsche Rechtschreibung" was introduced much later.

I think we should focus more on typos and wrong grammar. ;)

skdubg commented 3 years ago

i checked the english version, there is it right, first the "?", then "!", so i think we must change the order

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

I can do a search and replace. Shouldn't hurt.

skdubg commented 3 years ago

the comma must be removed


skdubg commented 3 years ago

something is wrong... ;)


EDIT: her correct name is "CLEMENTINE" (english data), both are wrong

skdubg commented 3 years ago

fixed in excel list!


skdubg commented 3 years ago

i also found texts with "ß" and texts without, but where it should be written with "ß". i think it is easier to delete "ß" and change it to "ss". (see text with Clementine)

Pyrdacor commented 3 years ago

I really like the German ß. I grew up with it and found it irritating that it was replaced in so many places with the "Neue deutsche Rechtschreibung". Hated that thing.

Thalion seems to have took some effort to make the ß available. I want to cherish and keep it. Call me old-fashioned but the game is old and I don't want to take it's old charm from it.

It's like an old book. You wouldn't correct the older language as long as it isn't obviously wrong in the context of that time. ;)