Python-World / Joble

This Platform Search Thousands Of Job Boards In Different Technologies From Over The World .
MIT License
19 stars 17 forks source link
hacktoberfest hacktoberfest2020 jobsearch jobseeker scraping spiders


This Platform Search Thousands Of Job Boards In Different Technologies From Over The World .


step 1 : Create clone of Joble.

git clone

step 2 : Change working directory to Joble

cd Joble

step 3 : Create Virtual environment

virtualenv -p python3 vnev

setp 4 : Activate Virtual environment

source vnev/bin/activate

step 5 : Install required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

step 6 : Now Exceute Spiders

List of Spiders Available

  1. Naukri
  2. MonsterIndia

1. Naukri

Get 20 Jobs per catgory

scrapy crawl Naukri

Available Option

  1. city
  2. count
  3. keyword

For Example

scrapy crawl Naukri -a  keyword=python -a count=20 -a city=pune

Export Output in csv,json

scrapy crawl Naukri -a  keyword=python -o python.csv

2. MonsterIndia

Available Option

  1. city
  2. count
  3. keyword

For Example

scrapy crawl MonsterIndia -a  keyword=python -a