QQ Solutions, Inc. is excited to release our Catalyst API to vendor beta. The Catalyst API allows our customers and 3rd Party applications access to agency management information via our application services. Partner applications can query, create and update agency specific data directly from Catalyst.
As a partner with our customers, we welcome the opportunity to help other vendors' provide solutions to our mutual customers that aid in agency management. If you develop an application that aids in agency management and need to integrate with QQCatalyst, we have everything you need here.
In order to collaborate with QQ Solutions, you first need to register online for our partner program. At this point, we will set you with a sandbox account and provide you with an account and security key for use in your product. Next, download our sample application , view our detailed API documentation and you will be ready to go in no time at all. If you have questions or concerns at any time, feel free to send us a message.
The sample application will demonstrate how to interact with our API. The program was created in C# WinForms and has a MVC project. This application will walk you through the steps needed to consume the API and will dynamically generate code snippets for the methods being explored. For more details on the sample application, download the overview document.
A valid username and password from QQ Catalyst is required to access any data. At this time, users of QQ Catalyst are agency employees. In the near future, agencies will be able to grant customers access to their data allowing them to login to Catalyst through mobile apps and consumer portals that will utilize the API.
The authentication framework we use is the industry standard OAuth2 protocol. As a developer, you will have to register online with QQ Solutions for access privileges. By giving us a little bit of information about yourself and your intentions to use the API, we will in return give you an Access Token and Access Key. With these two pieces of information, you will be able to actively prompt the user to login with our login page, or passively authenticate with stored credentials, and access agency specific data. If you are not familiar with OAuth2 standards or processes, please proceed to the OAuth 2 Standards Page to learn more about the technology used.
Please tell us how we can make the APIs better. If you have a specific feature request or if you found a bug, please let us know!
Users of the API must agree to the terms of service. QQ Catalyst is a registered trademark of QQSolutions, Inc.