For skidpad, we will likely need mapping and localisation to figure out how to make each turn appropriately. Each turn is done twice, right then left. First lap is a sighting lap, then the main lap occurs afterwards. After 4 laps, the event is done. Overall, the control will need to track:
Lap number. After 2 laps, change to the left turn. After 4 laps, the event is done, and the car should exit
Go is only valid in AS Ready. Once the car has completely exited the track and has stopped, will cycle to AS Finished
Localisation and mapping will most likely be required. Mapping however may not be necessary. May investigate if skidpad turn radii are constant and may cheat
For skidpad, we will likely need mapping and localisation to figure out how to make each turn appropriately. Each turn is done twice, right then left. First lap is a sighting lap, then the main lap occurs afterwards. After 4 laps, the event is done. Overall, the control will need to track: