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1. Set up

1. Set a conda virtual environment

conda create -n COMBO python=3.7 anaconda --yes

2. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/QUVA-Lab/COMBO.git

3. Install required packages

conda activate COMBO
conda install --file requirements.txt

2. Run

1. Consigure directories

All necessary directories can be configured in the file COMBO/config.py

2. Arguments

. Examples

python COMBO/main.py --objective ising --n_eval 150 --random_seed_config 7 --lamda 0.01

To optimize 'ising' with 0.01 for the regularization coefficient with 150 evaluations

python COMBO/main.py --objective pestcontrol --n_eval 300 --random_seed_config 3

To optimize 'pestcontrol' with 300 evaluations