QW-Group / ktx

KTX: a QuakeWorld server modification
GNU General Public License v2.0
55 stars 49 forks source link

licensing of example sounds and models #298

Open namtsui opened 1 year ago

namtsui commented 1 year ago

@deurk CC: @leegarrett

Can you clarify the licensing of various included assets and whether they fall under the GPLv2+ of the project, are proprietary, or otherwise licensed? sounds: https://github.com/QW-Group/ktx/tree/master/resources/example-configs/ktx/sound models: https://github.com/QW-Group/ktx/tree/master/resources/example-configs/ktx/progs

I tried to audit and I see the following. fight.wav, excelent.wav and flawless.wav sound like mortal kombat assets, for example. I'm worried about the remove copyright material commit (5). When clan arena, ctf, fancy spawnpoints and visual weapons were added, how were they sourced / created / licensed?

1) instagib/fancy spawnpoint/vwep: instagib model and sound, fancy spawnpoint model, VWEP models https://github.com/QW-Group/ktx/commit/f7b1e107ec6329950546aeb9a16b7e0ef68a9fbc

2) RA / clan arena (ca): https://github.com/QW-Group/ktx/commit/9e3a81555a9a7b5812f9b3c9e9aa686fb0e9af36

|-- misc
|   |-- flagcap.wav ctf
|   `-- flagtk.wav  ctf
|-- ra
|   |-- 1.wav        ca
|   |-- 2.wav        ca
|   |-- 3.wav        ca
|   |-- excelent.wav ca
|   |-- fight.wav    ca
|   `-- flawless.wav ca
|-- rune
|   |-- rune1.wav    ctf
|   |-- rune2.wav    ctf
|   |-- rune22.wav   ctf
|   |-- rune3.wav    ctf
|   `-- rune4.wav    ctf
`-- weapons
    |-- bounce2.wav  ctf
    |-- chain1.wav   ctf
    |-- chain2.wav   ctf
    |-- chain3.wav   ctf
    `-- coilgun.wav  instagib/fancy/vwep(1)

4 directories, 18 files

3) race: https://github.com/QW-Group/ktx/commit/8f308af9232e95439880edbbf24fd0e31f970816 check.mdl finish.mdl start.mdl

4) ctf: https://github.com/QW-Group/ktx/commit/50e829f9e612610e452f93dd93fb61ea29b62530 bit.mdl flag.mdl star.mdl v_star.mdl

misc: spawn.mdl instagib/fancy spawnpoint/vwep v_coil.mdl instagib/fancy spawnpoint/vwep vwplayer.mdl vwep(6) w_coil.mdl vwep(6)

models that were part of the "remove copyrighted material" commit which were subsequently restored:

https://github.com/QW-Group/ktx/commits/37f70d79456b8e406b37c5d1717caf8db50e2b09/resources/progs/w_light.mdl?browsing_rename_history=true&new_path=resources/example-configs/ktx/progs/w_light.mdl&original_branch=master 5) remove copyrighted material: https://github.com/QW-Group/ktx/commit/4a5b2efc7fb9970b0c7b3c563ec8acb1ee00829d 6) added models needed for VWEP: https://github.com/QW-Group/ktx/commit/b0497211fee3d55047f6e6375c54e5d5e4ffb5ac

tcsabina commented 1 year ago

Hi @namtsui,

Sorry for the super-late reply on this... deurk is not around anymore. A few guys took over the project, but I am afraid none of us have an overview, or knowledge about these things.

How could we get this sorted out?