QafooLabs / testing-setup

Qafoo base repository for testing workshops.
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Workshop Testing Setup

Please make sure that you have a working setup of:


  1. Make sure PHP is installed on your machine. The following link has more information on how to install PHP:\_started On a Debian/Ubuntu-based machine installing PHP is as simple as calling apt-get install php7.1 php7.1-cli as root user.

  2. Using your Git client, checkout to a directory of your choice. On the shell you can do that using $ git clone

  3. Switch into the directory of the checkout and call $ php composer.phar install --prefer-dist to install all the dependencies.

  4. [PHPUnit] Try to execute PHPUnit using $ vendor/bin/phpunit, the result should be a single successful test run.

  5. [Behat] Try to execute Behat using $ vendor/bin/behat, the result should be at least 3 passed tests.


Vagrant setup (optional)

For those who are interested there is a vagrant setup available (optional). Just follow these steps to get up and running with your own Virtual environment.

Once in the virtual machine you can find all files in /home/vagrant/testing-setup, this is actually the folder on your machine (the host) you ran the vagrant up command from, mounted into the Virtual machine. All changes made to files inside this directory on your computer will reflect immediately on the Virtual machine. This allows you to run PHPUnit on the VM through an SSH session while still being able to edit the files on your computer with your favourite editor or IDE.

To test if all is installed correct run $ phpunit from the testing-setup folder in your VM.