QingkaiLu / multi-fingered_grasp_planners

Learning-based multi-fingered grasp planners.
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Probablistic Multi-fingered Grasp Planner

This repo has several learning-based multi-fingered grasp planners implemented. We proposed multiple machine leanring models to predict the probability of grasp success from visual information of the object and grasp configuration. We then formulated grasp planning as inferring the grasp configuration which maximizes the probability of grasp success inside the grasp prediction deep networks.


ROS Kinetic, Python 2.7, Tensorflow 1.13.1, scikit-learn 0.20.3, PCL 1.7.2, OpenCV.


catkin build prob_grasp_planner

Launch Grasp Planners

Command to launch the RGBD-based grasp planner of citation [1]:

roslaunch prob_grasp_planner grasp_cnn_inference.launch

Command to launch the grasp type planner of citation [2]:

roslaunch prob_grasp_planner grasp_type_inference.launch

Command to launch the voxel-based grasp planner of citation [3]:

roslaunch prob_grasp_planner grasp_voxel_inference.launch

Command to launch the active grasp learner/planner of citation [4]:

roslaunch prob_grasp_planner grasp_active_learning.launch

Grasp Planner Project Pages

Planning Multi-Fingered Grasps as Probabilistic Inference in a Learned Deep Network

Modeling Grasp Type Improves Learning-Based Grasp Planning


We list the bibtex citations of this repo.

[1] @inproceedings{lu2017grasp,    
title={{[Planning Multi-Fingered Grasps as Probabilistic Inference in a Learned Deep Network](https://robot-learning.cs.utah.edu/project/grasp_inference)}},    
author={Lu, Qingkai and Chenna, Kautilya and Sundaralingam, Balakumar and Hermans, Tucker},    
booktitle={Int'l Symp. on Robotics Research},    

[2] @article{lu2019grasp,
title={{Modeling Grasp Type Improves Learning-Based Grasp Planning}},
author={Lu, Qingkai and Hermans, Tucker},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},

[3] @article{lu2019multifinger,
title={{Multi-Fingered Grasp Planning via Inference in Deep Neural Networks}},
author={Lu, Qingkai and Van der Merwe, Mark, and Sundaralingam, Balakumar and Hermans, Tucker},
journal={{IEEE} Robotics \& Automation Magazine},

[4] @article{lu2020active,
title={{Multi-Fingered Active Grasp Learning}},
author={Lu, Qingkai and Van der Merwe, Mark and Hermans, Tucker},
booktitle={IROS (Under Review)},