QizeYang / PAUL

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This repo contains the source code for our CVPR'19 work "Patch-based discriminative feature learning for unsupervised person re-identification"

Our implementation is based on Pytorch.


  1. Pytorch 0.4.1
  2. Python 3.6


mkdir data

ln -s [PATH TO MSMT17_V1] ./data/MSMT17_V1
ln -s [PATH TO DUKE] ./data/DukeMTMC-reID
ln -s [PATH TO Market] ./data/Market
mkdir ./snapshot
mkdir ./snapshot/MSMT17_PRE
# it means the name of the experiment of pretraining is 'MSMT17_PRE'  

for market

python unsupervised_train.py --data MARKET --gpu [CHOOSE WHICH GPU TO RUN] \ --pre-name [THE EXP NAME OF PRE-TRIANED MODEL] --exp-name [YOUR EXP NAME] \ --batch-size 42 --scale 15 --lr 0.0001

for duke

python unsupervised_train.py --data DUKE --gpu [CHOOSE WHICH GPU TO RUN] \ --pre-name [THE EXP NAME OF PRE-TRIANED MODEL] --exp-name [YOUR EXP NAME] \ --batch-size 40 --scale 5 --lr 0.0001

### Reference

If you find our work helpful in your research,
please kindly cite our paper:

Qize Yang, Hong-Xing Yu, Ancong Wu, Wei-Shi Zheng, "Patch-based discriminative feature 
learning for unsupervised person re-identification",
In CVPR, 2019.


@inproceedings{yu2019unsupervised, title={Patch-based discriminative feature learning for unsupervised person re-identification}, author={Yang, Qize and Yu, Hong-Xing and Wu, Ancong and Zheng, Wei-Shi}, year={2019}, booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, }

If you have any problem/question, please feel free to contact me at chitse.yang@gmail.com
or open an issue. Thank you.