Qqqq-shao / CDGSN

Contrastive Domain-adaptive Graph Selective Self-training Network for Cross-network Edge Classification
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Contrastive Domain-adaptive Graph Selective Self-training Network for Cross-network Edge Classification (CDGSN)

This repository contains the author's implementation in Pytorch for the paper "Contrastive Domain-adaptive Graph Selective Self-training Network for Cross-network Edge Classification".

Environment Requirement

For reproduction of the results reported in our paper, please use the environment below:

• python == 3.6.7

• pytorch == 1.10.2

• numpy == 1.19.2

• scipy == 1.5.1

• dgl == 0.8.2

• sklearn == 0.24.2


3 datasets are used in our paper.

Each ".mat" file stores a network dataset, where

the variable "network" represents an adjacency matrix,

the variable "attrb" represents a node attribute matrix,

the variable "group" represents a node label matrix.

We generate the edge labels based on the node label of two nodes on each edge.

Specifically, a homophilous edge indicates that the two connected nodes share at least one common class-label.

On the contrary, a heterophilous edge reflects that the two connected nodes have totally different class-labels.


"model.py" is the implementation of the CDGSN model.

"CDGSN_main.py" is an example case of the cross-network edge classification task from citationv1 to acmv9 networks.

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