QuantConnect / Lean.DataSource.SDK

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LEAN Data Source SDK

Lean DataSource SDK

Build Status


The Lean Data SDK is a cross-platform template repository for developing custom data types for Lean. These data types will be consumed by QuantConnect trading algorithms and research environment, locally or in the cloud.

It is composed by example .Net solution for the data type and converter scripts.


The solution targets dotnet 5, for installation instructions please follow dotnet download.

The data downloader and converter script can be developed in different ways: C# executable, Python script, Python Jupyter notebook or even a bash script.

Specifically, the enviroment where these scripts will be run is quantconnect/research based on quantconnect/lean:foundation.


The "Use this template" feature should be used for each unique data source which requires its own data processing. Once it is cloned locally, you should be able to successfully build the solution, run all tests and execute the downloader and/or conveter scripts. The final version should pass all CI tests of GitHub Actions.

Once ready, please contact support@quantconnect.com and we will create a listing in the QuantConnect Data Market for your company and link to your public repository and commit hash.

Datasets Vendor Requirements

Key requirements for new vendors include:
