Quantico-Bullet / PyBeam-QA

An simple GUI program for performing radiotherapy QA
MIT License
12 stars 2 forks source link
analysis medical-physics quality-assurance radiotherapy

PyBeam QA

PyBeam QA is a graphical user interface program for performing quality assurance tests in radiotherapy. The program currently runs on Pylinac and PySide6.


The program is still in early development and may contain bugs. Tools are flagged as either 'Complete', 'In-progress' or 'Planned'. Planned features are those not yet implemented.

QA Tool Status
TRS 398 Photon & Electron output calibration Complete
Picket fence Complete
Winston-Lutz analysis Complete
Star-shot analysis Complete
Field analysis Complete
Planar imaging analysis Complete

The program includes some of these complementary features:


As of current the program depends on the following:


  1. Download the source code from the repository.
  2. (Optional but highly recommended) Create a virtual environment for PyBeam-QA to avoid dependency conflicts with existing python libraries. You can use a dependency manager such as Pipenv to accomplish this.
  3. Install all the required dependencies using pip3 (e.g pip3 install pdfrw==0.4).

Quick start

To run the application simply navigate to the source code directory and run the following command:\ python main.py or python3 main.py